
Terrible Complications of Diabetes

Diabetes is not a single and it can affect multiple body organs. If the patients with Diabetes have a poor control of their blood pressure, it will cause a series of horrible complications.

1. Cardiovascular diseases: The patients with Diabetes are often complicated with hyperlipaemia, hypertension, atherosclerotic vascular so they are very likely to have cardiovascular diseases. Diabetic heart diseases usually refer to coronary heart disease, diabetic myocardiopathy and arrhythmia related to microangiopathy and autonomic neuropathy.

2. Diabetic Nephropathy: Diabetic Nephropathy is a life-threatening complication of Diabetes. The pathological changes involve renal blood vessels, glomeruli, renal tubule and interstitium. The common kidney injuries include glomerulosclerosis, arteriolonephrosclerosis, pyelonephritis. Among those complications, glomerulosclerosis is the particular complication of Diabetes. Diabetic Nephropathy is an important death cause for the patients with Diabetes.

3. Diabetic eye diseases: The common eye diseases of Diabetes include retinopathy, cataract, optic neuropathy, glaucoma and so on. Diabetic retinopathy is the primary cause of eyesight loss and then cataract.

4. Neuropathy: Diabetic neuropathy is the total name of the multiple nerve diseases in Diabetes. It includes automatic neuropathy, central nerve disease, and motor neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy and so on, among which, peripheral neuropathy is the most common complication in Diabetes. The patients with peripheral neuropathy usually have numbness, swollerpain, pricking, burning feelings and so on in their lower limbs.

5. Sexual dysfunction: The majority of the patients with Diabetes have impotence, prospermia, low sexual desire, paramenia and so on. These complications can occur together with the symptoms of Diabetes or after those symptoms.

6. Diabetic gangrene: Diabetic gangrene is caused by the long-term poor control of blood sugar thus leading to arteriosclerosis. Consequently, the patients with Diabetes have pathological changes in large vessels and capillaries. When their feet can not get enough blood supplements, they are very likely to have Diabetic gangrene.

As Diabetes can cause so many severe complications, it is very important for the patients to receive treatment as early as possible so as to prevent those complications. If you or your loved ones are Diabetes suffers and want to avoid the above complications, you can consult us on line or email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

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