
Experts explain life expectancy after kidney transplantation

"We know from the U.S. data, compared with dialysis, twice the life expectancy rate and transplantation, so we expect a similar survival advantage," JiaYingfei doctors (China best kidney hospital). "Our survival advantage is actually better, a fact that is clearly a bonus for us, so this is a very interesting finding, and we are very pleased."
Matching quality
The key to long-time live is from a kidney which is closest with your blood and tissue, that is expected to the least rejection from you own body. The closer the relation between donator and receptor, the better the matching quality. Generally, kidney from living donators lasts longer than that from dead ones. Therefore the best choice for long-term working of transplanted kidney is from your biological family members, then others who are willing to offer his or her organ, and eventually deceased.
Age of donator
More research showed renal transplantation life depends receptor older than the age of various donors. The reason is that aging and aging kidney and changes in gene expression in vivo, but not with the process of change is life, and in improving graft survival possible new targets should include looking strategy may change procedural aging donor kidney transplant.
Working chance of donated kidney
Working efficiency chance of donated kidney at the set time point is another factor which affects the lifespan with kidney transplant. Here a chart for your reference.
Working efficiency chance years after transplant
90% one year
60% five years
50% ten years
Form this view, younger patients may need twice or more times of kidney transplant. If the kidneys they received fail, they need to restart their dialysis and go back to waiting list.
These are on life expectancy after kidney transplantation all introduced in this area if there is something you more questions, you can click on the bottom of the article online doctor for a free consultation, you can also send your case to the kidney-support@hotmail.com, we will give you a guide as soon as possible.


How to deal the symptoms of shrinking kidneys

One patient told me that he always felt fatigue and took test for the causes. The test reports said that he had already shrinking kidneys. For it is heard that shrinking kidneys means renal failure, now he is worried about the health of kidneys. Is shrinking kidney serious for patients?

In most cases, shrinking kidney is a consequence of long-term kidney disease that makes kidney can’t get enough nutrition and oxygen, resulting in loss of kidney function. With this illness condition, you may have nausea, vomiting, fatigue, anemia, skin itching, edema, high blood pressure, blood urine or other symptoms.

The onset of these symptoms can remind your of accepting proper treatment timely.

Kidney shrinking treatment

For chalking out the treatment plan,the first step is to determine the underlying cause of this condition.Imaging procedures such as CT scan and MRI can help in the diagnosis of kidney shrinking.The treatment should depend on the kidney damage degree and the causes of kidney shrinking.The treatment goal is to stop further kidney shrinking and protect the residual renal function as well as restore the impaired kidney tissues and improve renal function.

Chinese herbs can effectively improve blood circulation, increase blood and oxygen supply to the damaged kidney, kidney tonic herbs, can restore the body's self-healing systems. Once kidney damage kidney tissue to fresh and operation will stop atrophy, renal function gradually improved.

These are all of the content for renal atrophy, this aspect of things if you have more questions, you can click on the plate for a free online medical consultation, you can put your case after finishing sent to kidney-support@hotmail.com here, we will get back to you some professional guidance.

Treatment of shrinking kidneys------Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment

Kidneys can filter wastes and extra fluids from body as well as balance blood pressure and produce essential hormones.However,if kidney shrinking occurs,the kidneys will fail to perform these functions adequately.
In the structure of kidneys, renal inerstitium takes apart more room, so kidney is easily withered when renal interstitium are damaged. However, it would not give a heavy blow to your body, the main filtering tissues—glomeruli are not hurt. So patients have no life danger temporarily.
A normal kidney should be as long as 8.1 to 11cm, as wide as 5.5 to 7cm and as high as 4 to 5cm. In general, if a kidney is measured to be smaller than a normal kidney through B ultrasound, a shrunken kidney can be diagnosed and usually, the smaller the kidney is, the more serious the kidney disease is.
treatment of shrinking kidneys------traditional Chinese medicine treatment
To treat kidney damage caused by kidney cysts we must firstly know the causes of this disease. The reason why patients experience hematuria and back pains is that the cysts oppression renal tissues. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment can improve blood circulation and improve permeability on cystic walls, thus promoting reabsorption of cystic liquid from tissues, reducing cyst size and stopping secretion of cystic liquid. In this way, with cystic pressure decreasing, cyst size gets reduced gradually and cyst growth is blocked. So the concerned issue as to oppression of kidney cyst on surrounding renal tissues can be avoided and clinical symptoms improved.
These are all of the content for renal atrophy, this aspect of things if you have more questions, you can click on the plate for a free online medical consultation, you can put your case after finishing sent to kidney-support@hotmail.com here, we will get back to you some professional guidance.


Effective treatment FSGS kidney disease

Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis or FSGS is a disease that causes urinary loss of protein and eventual scarring of the glomerular filters of the kidney. The terms focal and segmental refers to the pattern of damage in the kidney as seen under a microscope. Focal means that some of the glomeruli are scarred while others are normal. Segmental means that only a part of an individual glomerulus is damaged.

What are the symptoms?

Many people with FSGS have no symptoms at all. The most common complaint is edema, or swelling, especially in the legs. Often patients find that their shoes no longer fit, or that they have suddenly put on weight. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is also a very common finding. The hypertension in people with FSGS can often be very difficult to treat.

FSGS can also cause abnormal results in two different routine laboratory tests ordered by your doctor.

The first is called the "Creatinine Renal Function Test." It is measured by taking blood samples, each person has a certain amount of substances called floating in his or her creatinine in the blood. Higher levels of creatinine alert doctors, kidneys can not filter as well as they should.

The second test is for protein in your urine. Urine normally contains only a very small amount of protein. It is just too big to pass through the filters. If a doctor finds too much protein in your urine, it usually means something is wrong with the filters. Some people with a large amount of protein in their urine say that their urine looks “foamy”, like bubbles built up in dishwater.

None of the above symptoms, or even all of them together, is specific for FSGS. If you or your doctor are concerned about FSGS, the only way to know for sure is to have a kidney biopsy.

These are the symptoms of kidney disease FSGS introduction, if you have more questions, you can end portion and articles online physician dialogue or organization sent to your situation, our experts will get back to you kidney-support@hotmail.com Reply guidelines.

Herbal treatment fsgs kidney disease

Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is not a single disease but a histologic pattern of renal damage that initially affects the glomerulus and its tubulointerstitium. FSGS is a leading cause of nephrotic syndrome worldwide and may be found in up to 35% of nephrotic individuals.

What causes glomerulosclerosis?

Glomerulosclerosis is not caused by a single disease. It has several different causes. The scarring may be the result of an infection, or drug toxicity, or a disease that affects the entire body, like diabetes, HIV infection, sickle cell disease or lupus disease. Sometimes, there is no apparent associated disease or cause. There may be a genetic component in some people.

What tests do I need?

A blood test, urine tests, and a kidney biopsy will determine if you have glomerulosclerosis.

Blood test: Your kidney function will be evaluated using the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Your GFR number is calculated from a math equation that considers the results from a blood test that combines your blood creatinine level, your age, gender and race. People with glomerulosclerosis can have a low GFR, as their kidney damage progresses and kidney function decreases.

Urine tests: Your doctors will order urine tests for protein or red blood cells. Having large amounts of protein appearing in the urine (proteinuria) is common in glomerulosclerosis. Blood in the urine is a warning sign of kidney disease.

Biopsy: Having a low GFR and protein in the urine is not proof of glomerulosclerosis, though. Since these are associated with other kidney conditions, a kidney biopsy is needed to diagnose glomerulosclerosis. In this procedure, a needle is used to take a tiny sample of the kidney to examine with a microscope. The diagnosis is made from the signs of scarring seen on the kidney tissue sample.

Glomerulosclerosis can cause nephrotic syndrome. Nephrotic syndrome means very high levels of protein in the urine, low blood protein levels, high cholesterol levels, and swelling.

These are all about presentation and diagnosis of FSGS test project details, if you have more questions, you can end portion and articles online doctor for dialogue, or to organize your case is sent to the kidney-support@hotmail.com, our experts will get back to you a guide


Dialysis Treatment Life Expectancy

A transplant provides a far longer life expectancy. Patients who have a transplant before dialysis becomes necessary live an average of 10–15 years longer than those on dialysis.2 As one physician notes, “Kidney dialysis is an amazing procedure. But it is not yet as amazing as the kidney itself.” 3 Given thefoptions, a kidney patient’s best chance for survival is to avoid dialysis altogether and to receive a transplantffrom a living, rather than a deceased donor.

A team of medical researchers in Barcelona, Spain found OL-HDF could extend the lives of patients living with kidney failure. The soon to be published results in an issue of the Journal of the American Society Nephrology (JASN) means that On-line hemodiafiltration (OL-HDF) might become the first treatment option used to prolong life, said Francisco Maduell, who was part of the study team.

Will dialysis help cure the kidney disease?

No. Dialysis does some of the work of healthy kidneys, but it does not cure your kidney disease. You will need to have dialysis treatments for your whole life unless you are able to get a kidney transplant.

Is dialysis uncomfortable?

You may have some discomfort when the needles are put into your fistula or graft, but most patients have no other problems. The dialysis treatment itself is painless. However, some patients may have a drop in their blood pressure. If this happens, you may feel sick to your stomach, vomit, have a headache or cramps. With frequent treatments, those problems usually go away.

In the United States an estimated one in 10 adults, more than 20 million, have some level of Chronic Kidney Disease and 2.5 percent of those Americans use dialysis to live. Patients undergoing dialysis can benefit from this new on-line hemodiafiltration (OL-HDF) procedure to better clean toxins from the body and experience an increase in longevity. Dialysis recipients are able to examine the study and advocate for access to on-line hemodiafiltration (OL-HDF) if they believe it to be a promising innovation capable of extending their lives.
These are all introduced for dialysis treatment, this aspect of things if you have more questions, you can click the following article online doctor for free dialogue, or to organize your case is sent to the kidney-support@hotmail.com inside this email, we will give you a professional guidance.

How long will I live on dialysis

Withdrawal from dialysis is not an uncommon cause of death for dialysis dependent patients. In Australia, withdrawal from treatment was recently reported as the cause for 26% of deaths of dialysis dependent patients, mostly aged over 80 years and in a very small number of cases, in younger patients who were very ill.

All patients have the right to receive or refuse life-prolonging treatment. The treating team have an ethical and legal obligation to acknowledge and honour those choices and advise on reasonable treatment options. When a patient has been adequately informed and understands the consequences, withdrawal from life-sustaining treatment such as dialysis is a medically, ethically and legally acceptable choice.

Dialysis is a treatment that does some of the things done by healthy kidneys. It is needed when your own kidneys can no longer take care of your body's needs.

When is dialysis needed?

You need dialysis when you develop end stage kidney failure --usually by the time you lose about 85 to 90 percent of your kidney function and have a GFR of <15.

How long will people live on dialysis?

Some studies showed that the average life span of people on dialysis is five years. According to the statistics from The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease, the rate of survivor is 80% in one year, 64% in two years, 33% in five years and 10% through 10 years.

Nevertheless, there’s no specific number for one individual, because various influencing factors would appear and impact directly one’s longevity.

These are all introduced for dialysis treatment, this aspect of things if you have more questions, you can click the following article online doctor for free dialogue, or to organize your case is sent to the @ inside this email, we will give you a professional guidance.

Nursing Principles for People on Dialysis

For dialysis treatment, experts suggest that we should pay attention to a healthy diet and, if necessary, make some life-related changes. If you are a smoker, quit it anyway. In the meantime, away from alcohol. Excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, prone to kidney disease or worsening of the condition.

1. Before dialysis, to ensure their rooms 30 minutes of ultraviolet light twice a day, in addition, open windows for ventilation to keep fresh air in the room.

2.Guarantee during dialysis or preparation, doctors or patients should pay attention to the principles of aseptic.
3. During the dialysis, the color and clearance of the dialyzer should be monitored regularly. Bacterial culture along with drug sensitive test should be examined at fixed period.

4. Monitor the patient condition. To see if his body temperature changes, or have pressing pain in abdomen. If the patient has developed infections, antibiotics should be taken as the doctor prescribed.

5. During the dialysis, if the patient suffered from an abdominal pain, the doctor should adjust the position of dialysis tubing or regulate the temperature, flow rate, pH value of dialysate. Taking hot pack or gentle massage to deal with abdominal distension. Additionally, eating more food rich in cellulose should be encouraged. Taking certain medications if necessary.

6. Patients with dialysis would better isolate from others, restrictive visitation would be better in people with dialysis. All those measures ensure patients stay away from infections.

7. Attach more importance on monitoring. Measure the blood pressure, pulse, central venous pressure and body weight, and take records in every single day.

Run regular test to monitor the electrolytes, blood sugar, and urine output. See if complications such as dehydration, retention of water, high-sodium, high sugar, high potassium or low potassium occurs. If did, talk with your doctor as soon as possible, make changes according to the condition.

8. Diet. Dialysis period to ensure adequate intake of quality protein, such as milk, fresh eggs, beef or other high-calorie foods. Avoid high phosphorus foods. While limiting those who can quickly increase your weight and fat food intake.

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The life of the stage 3 kidney disease and treatment

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common condition in which there is a loss of kidney function over time. It is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and chronic renal failure. Kidney disease is the ninth leading cause of death in the United States.
The early detection of CKD is important because it gives the opportunity to reduce the progression to end-stage kidney disease, allows the patient to be involved in choices about their treatment and ultimately may improve their life expectancy.
According to GFR( glomerular filtration rate), CKD(Chronic Kidney Disease) can be divided into five stages. The normal range of GFR( glomerular filtration rate) is 80 to 120 ml/(min•1.73㎡), which shows the volumn of blood which flows into kidney per minute. GFR is a very scientific index which indicates how kidney is damaged and in other words, it shows how the renal function is.
In the third stage, GFR declines to 30~59ml/(min•1.73㎡). Patients fall into renal failure stage based on Chinese traditional standard. The serum creatinine rises to 442 to 707μmol/L(5~8mg/dl). The creatinine clearance rate declines to 20 to 10 ml/min. BUN ( blood urea nitrogen) increased to 179~286mmol/L(50~80mg/dl).
There is no specific duration for any stage of CKD. It may stay in the same stage for a long time or progress rapidly. Disease progression usually depends on the cause, protein in urine, blood pressure control and others.
Can chronic kidney disease be reversed?
Under conventional treatment, it may be impossible to reverse the kidney disease. Patients can only take some measures to slow down further progression of the disease.
The good news is that, in 2012, a brand new treatment has been developed in China. This is called immunotherapy, which is created by the nation's top kidney experts in our hospital on the basis of 26 years' experience and expertise in treating a wide range of kidney diseases.
Immunotherapy aims at treating chronic kidney disease from the perspective of immune regulation. After we eliminate the root cause, your condition can certainly be reversed effectively. Patients are required to adopt therapy as soon as possible. The early you receive standard treatment, the better the outcome is.
These are the top three for chronic kidney disease related presentations and effective treatment of all content, if you are on this side of things there are more problems, you can click the following article online expert advice, you can also put your After finishing the case is sent to the kidney-support@hotmail.com  inside, we will give you a professional guidance.


Processing creatinine immunotherapy conventional methods and the difference

Creatinine is a kind of metabolic product and chiefly filtered out of the blood by the kidneys. Creatinine is divided into serum creatinine and urine creatinine. Urine creatinine can be discharged in the urine. Normal level of serum creatinine in human blood is 53-140μmol/ L. When people suffer from Kidney disease, their kidneys’ normal function is damaged and a higher level of blood creatinine can be tested. Therefore, measuring serum creatinine the most commonly used as indicator of renal function.
Creatinine increases the conventional solution
High creatinine would bring them near the dialysis and kidney transplant. So when creatinine level is rising, most people attach more importance to reduce their creatinine level. In the regular hospitals, their therapies and medicine indeed can lower down their creatinine level immediately. Most hospitals adopt medicine only for the symptoms but not to repair the kidney tissues. So the result would be that their creatinine would rise again even though it can be put down or even reduced in the normal range.
What should patients do to deal with high creatinine level?
Maybe you think dialysis or another kidney transplant is before you. Do not worry! A good method has been worked out to solve this problem—Immunotherapy. Immunotherapys can rebuild a new immune system to protect your kidney and also can block the autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, Immunotherapy can provide many healthy cells to repair kidneys, pancreas, liver or other organs. This kind of cells has a great feature that they search the lesions in body after Immunotherapy. As a result, the primary diseases and the kidney diseaseall can be treated. Thereby patients get nothing to worry about.
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Diabetic nephropathy What are the reasons

Diabetic Nephropathy is just the result of undue immune reaction caused by long-term Diabetes. Undue immune reaction will occur when the innate immune system keeps sending signals to stimulate the back-up immune system to work or the back-up immune system cannot control itself. During the course of undue immune reaction, immune complex can be produced, and then deposit in the kidneys. Over time, more and more deposits of immune complex will damage the renal function.
Causes of Diabetic Nephropathy can be listed as follows.
■ Genetic factor
In some cases, the genes or family history may plays a role. However, not all person with Diabetes develop this condition.
■ High blood sugar
Elevated blood sugar levels can damage the blood vessels in the kidneys. The damage impairs the kidney's function to filter wastes and extra fluid from the bloodstream. Finally, protein and glucose leak into the urine, and the kidneys can not excrete fluid from the body, resulting in swelling.
■ High blood pressure
High blood pressure or hypertension contributes most directly to Diabetic Nephropathy. Research have shown that high blood pressure can be both the cause, as well as the result of damage that is created by Diabetic Nephropathy. With kidney function declines, physical changes in the kidneys usually cause increased blood pressure.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Diabetic Kidney Disease
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative therapy of traditional Chinese medicine. The core technology is to micronize Chinese medicine into granules that are thousands times smaller than the original size.
With the help of osmoscope, the effective ingredients of Micro-Chinese Medicine can be penetrated into the kidney lesion directly. In this way, we can greatly improve the efficacy of Chinese medicine. After being permeated into patient's body, the medicine can take effects to improve the blood circulation and remove stasis. Besides, Chinese medicine also have functions of anti-inflammation and anti-coagulation, so further damages can be prevented. As the Chinese herbal medicine comes from natural plants and contains many microelements, so it can also provide necessary nutrition for the kidney repair.

These are the top reasons for diabetic nephropathy and all related treatment methods introduced in this side of things if you have more questions, you can click on the article at the end of online customer service, you will gain free professional advice results.


Diabetic complications and effective solutions

Diabetic nephropathy (diabetic nephropathy) can cause long-term progression of diabetic kidney function decline, leading to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). If the patient is unable to control the disease, will cause kidney condition worse.
Complications of diabetic nephropathy
1. Infections
Infections, such as urinary tract infection, are common in patients with Diabetic Nephropathy, which can be caused due to high blood glucose levels in prolonged course of Diabetes and long-term medication taking. Furthermore, infections will aggravate the illness condition.
2. Hyperkalemia
Patients may develop abnormally high levels of potassium in the bloodstream (hyperkalemia) due to severe loss of kidney function. As a result, symptoms include numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, and palpitations will occur. The hyperkalemia may worsen in hypertensive patients using ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers.
3. Hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia can develop in the condition when Diabetic Nephropathy progress into Renal Failure. In this case, the renal excretion of insulin will decrease, and patients will present Hypoglycemia.
4. High blood pressure
Diabetic Nephropathy can result in kidney failure and severe high blood pressure (hpertension) if it can not be controlled well. High blood pressure can increase the severity of proteinuria and aggravate the disease so as to speed up the damage of renal function. Patients will be sent into a more dangerous situation.
Diabetes can cause many complications, among which Diabetic Nephropathy is one of the most severe. In China, we use the most advanced immunotherapy to treat Diabetic Nephropathy. Many patients have been treated effectively with this therapy.
Immunotherapy for Diabetic Nephropathy
Immunotherapy is targeted at treating Diabetic Nephropathy from the root cause, which can take effects to remove the immune complex, recover the renal function and regulate the immune system.
The natural remedy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, is firstly applied to clear the immune complex and create a favorable environment as well as enhance the overall immunity of the body.
These are the above complications for diabetic nephropathy and all related treatment methods introduced in this side of things if you have more questions, you can click on the article at the end of online customer service, you will gain free professional advice results.


Why do people with Kidney Disease suffer from elevated creatinine?

Creatinine is the metabolic products of muscle and is excreted out of body by kidneys normally. It is a very important index in assessing renal function. In Kidney Disease, the kidneys are damaged badly and lose the normal filtration function. As a result, a mass of metabolic products including creatinine, urea nitrogen etc will build up in body thus resulting in elevated creatinine level.
However, people with Kidney Disease should know that elevated creatinine level is only an index in reflecting renal function, but not the underlying cause of renal impairment. Therefore, lowering elevated creatinine level is not the primary goal in treating Kidney Disease.
Well, this phenomenon of elevated creatinine How do we deal with it? Modern medicine also has a variety of different methods are used in this regard, we have here the most common is the use of immunotherapy and micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy.
Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy can clean away all the toxic substances from the blood. It can dilate blood vessels, accelerate microcirculation and resist to inflammation and coagulation. So people’s diabetic system will be greatly remitted, such as high blood pressure, swelling, dizzy and so on.
Immunotherapy can repair the tissues in pancreas and kidneys at the same time. Immunotherapy is not a surgery but only an injection of Immunotherapy. Do not look upon these little cells. They can differentiate into various cells your body need. Thereby it can provide pancreas cells and kidney cells to replace the hardened or dead ones. Then your pancreas and kidneys return to life. Kidney function will come back and the toxic substances can be discharged through kidneys. Besides, enough insulin can be secreted by the “new pancreas”, so you can cast off insulin injection.
Immunotherapy is a new technology which can give you hope to live a normal life. Do not believe it? You can ask our experts online for more information about immunotherapy.
As for your condition, your kidneys are still working well. If you receive proper treatment, the chance of avoiding dialysis is very high.
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High creatinine levels rise corresponding solutions

Elevated creatinine level is an important sign in Kidney Disease. Once the creatinine level is above the normal level, it implies that more than half of the renal function has been impaired. Therefore, it is very important for people with Kidney Disease to prevent creatinine level to elevate.
Why does creatinine level rise high?
IgA nephropathy is always considered as a slight illness that would not lead to serious problems. People usually do not pay more attention on treatment. However, it is just this disease that hurt kidney tissues and more and more glomeruli cannot work due to furious inflammation in kidneys. Creatinine level in blood is just one index to estimate the GFR (glomeruli filtration rate). It also tells people how high the toxic substances deposit in kidneys.
Some medications can reduce creatinine in the blood. You can consult your doctor for some medicines. But certain medications, such as acetaminophen and aspirin can raise your creatinine levels. Be careful when using them.
Some treatments can be used to reduce Creatinine level.
Dialysis, often called artificial kidney, can be used to reduce creatinine levels. But please note dialysis can't repair the kidneys. As it's mentioned above, high creatinine level is caused by the loss of th kidney function. Dialysis can merely filtrate creatinine out of the body. It cannot completely replace the kidneys or repair the damaged kidneys, so dialysis only can reduce Creatinine level in a short time.
·Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
High creatinine level and anemia are the common complications of patients with Kidney Failure. When you are diagnosed with Kidney Failure, your doctor may suggest with dialysis.
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Creatinine high effect on human health and the best way to solve creatinine increased

All patients with Kidney Disease are very familiar with creatinine. It is an important measurement of renal function. Once it starts to rise, it means that more than half of their renal function has been lost. Many patients worry their high creatinine level, but do not know how to lower it effectively. Although they have tried multiple methods, their creatinine level still keeps very high. Then how to lower creatinine level effectively?
Creatinine is the mist important item to judge whether a patient need dialysis. OF course, dialysis has some complications. The best way for patients with kidney disease is to get treatment timely before they need dialysis. If some patients with kidney disease have undertook dialysis for long time, they can't get rid of dialysis any more.
Traditional treatment for high serum creatinine focuses on purely lower the level of creatinine in the blood. As basement membrane isn’t repaired, so the level of serum creatinine is lowered temporarily and can rise again easily. In order to really treat high serum creatinine, glomerular filtration has to be improved. Traditional Chinese medicine can repair the damaged basement membrane, which need a relatively long time.
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital the largest kidney disease specialized hospital in China have Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy as well as other traditional Chinese therapies. The scientific treatment plan make according to each patient's illness condition is a combination of proper therapies. If you want to know more information about the treatment, you can write email to kidney-support@hotmail.com Experts will help you find a solution.
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High Creatinine Level 4.0

The creatinine level 4.0 is not extremely dangerous actually, but it indicates the decreasing renal function. Creatinine is a kind of macromolecule, which is produced by muscle metabolism. In normal condition, creatinine should be filtered out by kidneys. Thereby, once your high creatinine levels last for long, it indicates the kidney malfunction.
Creatinine level is an important reference in assessing renal function. If it rises above the normal, it proves that the kidneys have been damaged badly. High creatinine level is commonly seen in Diabetic Nephropathy. As high creatinine level is attributable to impaired kidneys, it is essential to know the cause of renal damage.
How to lower elevated creatinine level?
As elevated creatinine level is attributable to the kidney damage, the key to lowering creatinine level is to restore the kidneys. Immunotherapy plays a vital role in restoring impaired kidneys.
Immunotherapy refers to infusion of healthy cells into the patients’ body through intravenous injection. It does not need surgery or cause sufferings to the patients at all.
Immunotherapys are long-lived cells in the body that have the ability to differentiate into specialized cells to create new tissues and are capable of self regeneration. Before Immunotherapy is performed on people with Kidney Disease, the first step is to culture the cells for several days and make sure they can regenerate themselves. Then after the cultured Immunotherapy are infused into the patients’ body, they can differentiate into renal functional cells with induced factors in right body condition. As a result, the new functional cells will form new kidney tissues. In this way, the kidneys will be restored very well and improve their renal function significantly.
Once the kidneys recover the normal filtration function, they will be able to filter blood normally as before. Afterwards, the elevated creatinine level will lower gradually.
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Patients with diabetes and high creatinine should get treatment

Many patients are very confused when they were told that they have high creatinine levels, and seek our advice is what causes high creatinine levels, and how to reduce high creatinine levels. Now, experts provide information about high creatinine levels in diabetic patients.
1. High blood sugar can cause hyperfiltration which can cause increased mesangial matrix, incrassation of glomerular basilar membrane (GBM) and glomerular segmental sclerosis. In addition, high pressure in glomeruli is also an important cause of glomerular sclerosis.
2. High blood sugar can change the structure of glomerular epithelial cells and mesangial cells thus impairing the function of the glomeruli.
3. High blood sugar level can cause glycosylation of proteins in plasm and tissues. The glycosylation end products can improve the permeability of renal capillaries and increased extracellular matrix.
The above three factors can change the structure of glomeruli (filters) in kidneys and make them lose the normal filtration function. As a result, the creatinine will accumulate in blood.
How to lower your creatinine level in diabetic nephropathy?
When their creatinine level is not very high, people are suggested to have drugs to lower the creatinine level. However, they find their creatinine level would not drop down when they stop drugs. Because all the drugs only can increase the creatinine excretion by other ways. For example, some drugs can promote to discharge creatinine through intestinal tract.
Thereby what we can do is to improve people’s kidney function in order to lower creatinine level. How to? Is it difficult? For many years’ hard working, immunotherapy has been worked out in our hospital. It is a comprehensive therapy for people with diabetic nephropathy. Micro-Chinese medicine and Immunotherapy both constitute to immunotherapy.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair your injured kidneys, Creatinine level will reduce as long as the kidneys are repaired. Through dilating blood vessels, digesting extracellular matrix, and repair the kidneys, more nutrient will be brought to the kidneys, so the kidneys will get enough nutrient to heal itself.
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What is high creatinine, creatinine increased control method

Creatinine level is one of the most important indexes which people with diabetic nephropathy concerned. When creatinine level is rising up, it indicates people’s kidney function is worsened and many toxic substances stay in the body to poison all the tissues and organs. How to lower your creatinine level in diabetic nephropathy?
First what caused high Creatinine level?
Creatinine is the metabolic product of muscles and discharged out of body through the kidneys, just like other metabolic products and excessive water in the blood.
Generally, if creatinine in your blood rises, higher than the normal range, it is likely that more than 50% of your kidney function has lost. The excessive creatinine will further damage your kidneys. Then, it's very important to reduce Creatinine level, when you find your Creatinine level is higher than the normal range.
How to treat high creatinine level
High creatinine level is caused by the reduced renal filtration function duo to necrosis and sclerosis of glomeruli. Therefore, to lower creatinine level, the primary goal is to restore the impaired kidneys and recover normal renal function.
At present, Immunotherapy is known to be the most advanced and effective therapy in restoring impaired tissues and organs.
Immunotherapys are a group of unspecialized cells with potentials of differentiation. In right conditions, they can differentiate into any type of cells with specific function.
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Polycystic kidney disease patients to how to get better treatment

At present, although there is no a cure for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), the patients can stop the disease progression to avoid Renal Failure. Chinese herb medicine plays a very important role in the treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD).
With age, the number and size of cysts keep increasing continuously. As a result, the lining cells of cysts secrete more and more cystic fluid thus enlarging cysts persistently. In clinic, the patients will present high blood pressure, back pain etc. Therefore, stopping the secretion of cystic fluid and promoting its reabsorption by the lining cells is the key in treating Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD).
At present, China's penetration of micro-Chinese medicine therapy has the effect of polycystic kidney disease by the national trust and support of friends.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can inactivate the epithelial cells which secrete cystic fluid and cause cysts to enlarge. Once the epithelial cells loss secretion function, the cysts will stop growing up.
In terms of the enlarged cysts, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can improve the permeability of cyst wall, which can promote the reabsorption of cystic fluid. As a result, the cysts will shrink gradually and the pressure in kidneys will also decline.
Once the cysts shrink and the ureter obstruction is removed, the urine will be able to be discharged out of kidneys normally. Afterwards, hydronephrosis will also disappear.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats hydronephrosis in PKD from its cause so the patients can get a better therapeutic effect.
Above these are the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of polycystic kidney disease all of introduction, I hope you can help. If you are in this thing have more questions, you can click the following article dialogue and online physician consultation, or kidney-support@hotmail.com finishing inside the mailbox to send your case, we will contact you as soon as possible and give you a more professional guidance.


The cases of chronic kidney disease (CKD) characteristics and effective treatment

Chronic Kidney Disease is a kind of immunologic disease. It also can be diagnosed as Chronic Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome, Renal Failure, Uremia etc. The treatment of this kind of disease is quite hard and also needs a long time.
The symptoms of chronic kidney disease
Three-highs and three-lows: high moditity, high prevalence of concurrent cardiovascular disease, high mortality; low witting rate of whole society to chronic kidney disease, low preventive awareness, low witting rate of concurrent cardiovascular disease. According to the survey, the morbidity of Chronic Kidney Disease among the people over 40 years old is more than 10%, but the witting rate is less than 5%. In China, patients of Glomeruonephritis are the most, accounting for 40%. With crowd diet structure and lifestyle changing, other Secondary Chronic Kidney Diseases are increasing. But the existing treatment technology is till limited. Both of these make the prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease face serious challenges.
Recovering Chronic Kidney Disease needs a complete plan and a natural and effective treatment.
In China, the combination therapy of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Transplant is adopted as its characteristic treatment of CKD. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help patients discharge the wastes out of their body and increasing the blood and oxygen supply. By this way, the damaged kidney cells can be repaired. While, stem cells, as a brand new medical technology, can be transfused into the body. Because of their homing ability, stem cells will go to the kidneys and be differentiated into kidney cells and replace the worn or dead ones. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can provide a clean and good environment for the functioning of stem cells. In this way, Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease can be reversed and then all the symptoms caused by Chronic Kidney Disease will tend to be alleviated as well.
Above these is today's daily diet for chronic kidney disease care all precautions introduced, this aspect of things if you have more doubts, you can click the following article online physician dialogue, you can put your case finishing sent to kidney-support@hotmail.com inside the mailbox, we will give you a professional guidance.

Chronic kidney disease diet care Precautions

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages will cause different symptoms. According to these symptoms can help patients and their family members to take appropriate treatment and care interventions. So, how do these treatments can effectively control the development of chronic kidney disease do?
Patients with chronic nephritis have proteinuria of different degree, so it is necessary for them to control the protein intake in their diet. A balance diet is favorable for the recovery of damaged kidney. And the following points should be noticed in the daily diet.
The intake of protein
In patients with chronic renal insufficiency protein intake should be controlled, so as to alleviate the burden on the kidneys. In the preferred high quality protein under the premise of the right amount of protein per day is about 0.4-0.6g/kg. Persistent low blood protein can reduce resistance, easily lead to infection and recurrent edema. High protein intake can lead to glomerular filtration, which will promote the gradual glomerulosclerosis.
The intake of salt
If patients don't have edema and hypertension, it is not necessary for them to control the intake of salt. The control of salt mainly aims at patients with serious swelling and hypertension, because the high intake of salt can aggravate the retention of water and sodium. The proper amount can be 2-3g. In addition, patients with high potassium also should restrict the intake of potassium.
The intake of water
If patients don't have oliguria and swelling, they need not to reduce the water volume they take each day. But during the edema, the intake of water should depend on urine output and edema degree. Generally speaking, during obvious edema, the intake of water should be limited in 500-800ml per day.
Above these is today's daily diet for chronic kidney disease care all precautions introduced, this aspect of things if you have more doubts, you can click the following article online physician dialogue, you can put your case finishing sent to kidney-support@hotmail.com inside the mailbox, we will give you a professional guidance.


Patients with chronic renal correct scientific diet

In general, more than three months will be difficult to cure patients with nephrotic syndrome, and patients with abnormal performance indicators urine and blood relative. Or glomerular filtration rate is less than 60%. All of these can be called chronic kidney disease kidney disease (CKD). If CKD not treated, the disease worsening, it will develop into chronic renal insufficiency, renal failure, and ultimately uremia.
Scientific diet habit is one of important measures to control chronic kidney disease, because Scientific Diet Habit could remit the symptoms, lighten the pain and improve the life quality.
I Low-Protein Intake
Nephrotic syndrome patients should pay attention to alleviate the damage caused by proteins. As a reduction of phosphorus and mitigation acidosis, because when we intake of protein, phosphorus, inorganic acid ions may also be in the meantime. In general, the daily protein intake should be 0.6g/kg, which is sufficient to supply the body needs. Therefore, in patients with chronic kidney disease, the daily protein intake should be between 30 to 36 grams. Fish, lean meat, chicken, milk should be the main source of protein, it is best not to eat foods that contain vegetable proteins (such as peanuts, soybeans and soy products).
High-Caloric intake
Carbohydrates provide energy and heat needed by the body, the body's daily calorie intake should be between 125.6 MJ / kg. From staple foods such as rice, wheat and corn and other cereals which intake. On the other hand, there are a lot of carbohydrates sweet potatoes, taro, potatoes, apples, lotus root, these types of foods can be eaten.
High-Vitamin intake
Hypovitaminosis is common-seen for patients with chronic kidney disease, this is partly related to food limit, and partly related to metabolic disorder caused by CKD, so patients should pay attention to the intake of food that rich in Vitamin, especially Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C etc., various fruits and vegetables contain these Vitamins, such as tomatoes, rape, leek citrus, hawthorn, etc..
Just as I said in the beginning, scientific diet habit is one of important measures to control chronic kidney disease, with good treatment and correct diet, the annoying CKD can be improved observably.
This is for patients with chronic renal diet all the scientific presentation, hoping to be helpful to you, this thing, if you have more doubts, you can click the following article online physician dialogue, you can put your circumstances, finishing sent to kidney- support@hotmail.com, inside the mailbox, we will give you a professional guidance.

Method to control the high creatinine kidney disease patients

China how to treat chronic kidney disease? In the medical profession, chronic kidney disease, the health effects equivalent to cancer and cardiovascular disease. China is the world's most populous country, although no comprehensive medical system, as a developing country, we did not beat this disease. More importantly, the Chinese people a combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine treatment of chronic kidney disease completely, creating a specialty of the treatment of chronic kidney disease.
High creatinine levels impact on health
Many chronic kidney disease patients early in the disease and no obvious symptoms, resulting in a non-attention to the consequences of a large extent they thought would not affect their own health. But one day, when they found themselves creatinine level is very high, and they do not know why, because they still can not feel any discomfort. So why patients with chronic kidney disease high creatinine levels do? It is dangerous and has a high level of creatinine? How to deal with it then?
How to effectively control high creatinine levels
How high creatinine symptom control? Under normal circumstances, when the head of the pancreas in patients with very severe symptoms caused by high levels of creatinine, your doctor will advise them on dialysis. Dialysis is really effective to reduce serum creatinine levels. However, when the stop dialysis, creatinine levels will rise. Therefore, the patient must by dialysis to maintain their life in the future. They decline in renal function, day by day, some time later, renal function will be completely damaged. If the patient no urine, no renal function, lower creatinine renal transplantation is the best choice.
Is there a natural treatment that can stop the increasing of creatinine level? So that dialysis and kidney transplantation can be avoided. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural treatment that can stop the increasing of creatinine level without doing any side effect on patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. And Stem Cell Transplantation can repair the damaged kidneys to some extent, and the creatinine level will be reduced to some extent, too.
These are the top of the control patients with kidney disease high creatinine levels in several ways, I hope for your help, this thing, if you have more doubts, you can click the following article online physician dialogue, you can put your case sent to finishing kidney-support@hotmail.com, inside the mailbox, we will give you a professional guidance.

Conventional treatment of lupus nephritis and several effective therapies

Lupus Nephritis is not just a kidney disease, but a kind of systemic illness. The disease is closely associated with the immune complexes in blood as well as the amount of some certain antibodies.
The routine treatments for Lupus Nephritis are hormones and immunosuppressant. Those drugs are the major medications used to treat Lupus Nephritis (LN). Certainly, they deserve our recognition; however, the dreadful side effects and their high reoccurrence also daunt us.
Blood purification in China - replacement therapy
Lupus nephritis is not only kidney disease, but also spread to the whole body, involving various organs of the body's health is closely related to the complexity and antibodies. It is not a single cure for suppression of the immune and inflammatory response. After years of experiments and clinical trials for the treatment of blood purification to create and lupus nephritis.
1. Plasma exchange
Remove plasma containing harmful substance and then infuse healthy plasma into the patients.
2. Blood-lipid purification
With techniques and equipment, remove the LDL out of the body to improve hyperlipemia and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
3. Cell Removal Therapy
It refers to remove the excessive white cells to reach a normal level of cells in the body.
4. Immunoadsorbent technique
When the blood containing harmful substances flow thorough special equipment and then the harmful substances will be absorbed by special substances called immunosorbent.
These advanced techniques reduce the sides effects caused by medicines and rapidly alleviate the symptoms.
Here are the advantages of blood purification
1, Protect kidneys and stop the harmful substances damaging kidneys.
2. Stop harmful substances damage other organs especially heart and brain to reduce the incidence of sudden death and brain disease.
3. Clean the internal environment for the application of other therapies and improve the effects of other medicines.
Lupus nephritis care after treatment is also very important, of course, a different treatment also affects the diagnosis and lifetime. In addition to symptom relief, eliminating complex is also very important. Is the treatment of blood purification has been the most effective way.
These are on top of conventional treatment of lupus nephritis and effective treatment of all presentations, if you have further questions in this regard, you can click the following article online teacher consultation, or to organize your case and sent to kidney- support@hotmail.com inside this email, we will give you a professional guidance.


Patients with lupus nephritis self-test and the best method of treatment

Lupus nephritis, also called SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus), is an autoimmune disease. It affects several parts of the body and causes various problems. Lupus Nephritis (LN) is one of them.
How lupus occurs
Lupus nephritis occurs, antibodies against the antigen can form immune complexes. These immune complexes easily deposited in the kidneys, because the kidneys are binding epitope immune complexes, which is a perfect place. Once the foreign deposits develop kidney inflammation spontaneously cleared out. These complexes is difficult to be removed because they can not only travel through the blood stream, but also made in the kidneys.
Patients with SLE may wonder that how would I know if I have Lupus Nephritis. You can tell by its featured characters, they are:
Foamy urine, which indicates the protein leaks from your kidneys into the urine
Swelling, it can develop in your legs, eyelids, feet or arms.
Blood in urine, kind of red blood cells leakage
Elevated serum creatinine, signals that your kidneys have been impaired
High blood pressure, also the sign of impaired kidneys
Other symptoms are fatigue, butterfly rush, stroke and so on.
The treatment of lupus nephritis
The goal of treatment is to improve kidney function and to delay kidney failure. Your doctor may prescribe medicines including corticosteroids, cellcept, or prednisone to suppress the immune system.
Dialysis or renal transplant may be needed to handle the symptoms of kidney failure when kidneys do not function at all.
Immunotherapy is a new therapy which has been the current treatment for lupus nephritis. (Learn more about Current Recommended Treatment for Lupus Nephritis).
Lifestyle and diet change is necessary for lupus nephritis in order to keep the lupus under control. For example, patients should avoid extreme of water restriction and water excess. Your physician will tell you if you are drinking too much or too little water.
Virtually, people can live a happy life as long as lupus is under control and kidney disease is treated with proper treatment.
Once you find yourself suffering from lupus nephritis, your doctor will advise you further test and tell if your kidneys. Before, as I just mentioned, renal failure induced SLE is quite harmful, and therefore the need for timely treatment. Otherwise, death will occur. Using Chinese medicine can effectively control such symptoms. If you have this problem, free and professional advice, do not hesitate to ask our doctor online! Or put your case is sent to the kidney-support@hotmail.com after finishing inside the mailbox, we will give you a professional guidance

Patients with lupus nephritis routine testing and the cause

Lupus nephritis is a kidney disorder caused by systemic lupus erythematosus which is an autoimmune disease, involving many organs of the body such as kidneys, heart, brain etc.
How lupus happens?
Healthy immune system produces antibodies to fight against foreign matters such as virus, bacteria or other infections so as to keep people healthy. However, people with lupus often have an abnormal immune system, meaning the antibodies can’t tell foreign substances from one’s own healthy cells, tissues and organs. Consequently, those antibodies attack its own body parts resulting in the occurrence of SLE.
Routine tests for lupus nephritis include biochemistry tests, blood test, urine test, virus examination and series of coagulation.
Immune special tests are tests for autoantibody, alexin series and special tests for uremia.
Tests for Autoantibody
The tests of autoantibody aim at diagnosing if the patients have lupus or not, to tell its severity and to recommend clinical medications etc.
Alexin Series Examination
The tests of alexin help make sure its degree in patients’ body. It is the sign of lupus. The alexin includes C3, C4, CH50, Clq and B factor. The reduction of C3, C4, CH50 and C1q signals the activation of classical alexin pathway, while decreased C3 and B factor indicates an alternative pathway is activated.
Above these is about the cause of lupus nephritis and detection methods, all introduced in this area if you have other questions, you can click the following article online teacher consultation, or to organize your case is sent to the kidney-support@hotmail.com inside this email, we will give you a professional guidance.


Lupus nephritis symptoms and effective treatment

Lupus nephritis is a kidney disorder which is caused by system lupus erythematosus (SLE). SLE is an autoimmune disease, meaning the body can not distinguish the harmful substances from the good ones and then it attack and destroy healthy tissue, causing inflammation, pain, and damage in various parts of the body.
What are the lupus nephritis symptoms?
Protein in the urine. Developing lupus nephritis, patient will notice foamy urine which is caused protein leakage into the urine.
Get up to urinate during the night. A lot of patients complain about frequent urination at night which leads to a poor quality of sleep.
Edema. The loss of protein in the urine from lupus nephritis may then lead to fluid retention with weight gain. This is often the first symptom noticed of lupus nephritis. The swelling will be absent in the morning, but will gradually worsen as the person walks about during the day.
High blood pressure. May appear before or after lupus nephritis, blood pressure will rise. This is a dangerous warning, it speeds up the progress of lupus kidney disease. Strict control of blood pressure is a good way to preserve renal function.
Focusing on the features of this disease, Hospital of china (SKDH) adopts the most advanced blood purification techniques. They are: plasma exchange, lipid purification, cell clearance treatment, immunoadsorption and blood perfusion etc.
Substantially, plasma exchange is to exchange the harmful substances from the blood. The current approach is adopting healthy plasma to replace the patients’ plasma. Lipid purification eliminates the low density lipoprotein from the human body to improve the hyperlipemia.
Our treatments are proven to be more effective than the immunosuppressants and other therapies, which is plasma exchange. It works for Lupus Nephritis patients with more noticeable therapeutic effects. More importantly, Lupus kidney disease and Lupus will be treated together in our hospital because lupus is the primary cause as well as root cause. As long as the primary disease is corrected, the inflammatory reaction is stopped and further renal damage can be suppressed accordingly.
These are on top of conventional treatment of lupus nephritis and effective treatment of all presentations, if you have further questions in this regard, you can click the following article online teacher consultation, or to organize your case and sent to kidney-support@hotmail.com inside this email, we will give you a professional guidance.

Symptoms of lupus nephritis and effective method of treatment

Lupus Nephritis is caused by deposited immune complexes in kidneys. The underlying cause of Lupus Nephritis often gets kidneys involved called SLE or lupus. Lupus Nephritis is one of the most serious complications of SLE as well as SLE patients’ major cause of death. Due to its serious consequences, lab tests become pretty important in order to get a better therapeutic effects as well as prognosis. Here’s a brief introduction of routine and special lab tests for Lupus Nephritis.
Lupus affects joints, bones, skin, blood and kidneys. Lupus Nephritis appears as the disease influence one’s kidneys. Due to the pernicious of the disease, immediate treatment and measures should be adopted. If left untreated, SLE could lead to serious consequences; Kidney Failure is one of the most serious complications, which is fatal.
How is Lupus Nephritis occurring?
LN occurs because of the SLE antibodies deposit in the kidneys, and then inflammation develops accordingly. Statistics reveals that 30-50% of the patients with SLE will develop LN from the first half year to three years after diagnosis, which means SLE affecting healthy kidneys in a progressive development.
How to treat Lupus Nephritis?
People with lupus Kidney Disease often feel nothing different, since they don’t even have a clue that the SLE affected their kidneys. However, kidney damage can be a spell of mortality. So it is needed to be treated immediately. To those with mild Kidney Disease, lifestyle modification is necessary. Paying extra attention to the diet and staying away from salty foods is vital to stop the progression of Lupus Nephritis. Visiting doctor from time to time helps too. Renal biopsy may help diagnose Lupus Nephritis and then contributes to the prognosis. Taking control of blood pressure could slow down the progression too. Immunosuppressants are often prescribed when the Lupus Nephritis attacks seriously.
Above these is about the symptoms and treatment of lupus nephritis in all aspects of presentation, if you have further questions in this regard, you can click the following article online teacher consultation, or to organize your case is sent to the kidney-support@hotmail.com inside this email, we will give you a professional guidance.


The best way to control FSGS - Immunotherapy

FSGS (focal segmental glomerulosclerosis) is a kidney disorder that affects the kidney’s filtering system causing scarring and loss of large amounts of protein in the urine. It is a common cause of nephritic syndrome. FSGS can occur in adults and children. If your child is diagnosed with FSGS, a new treatment immunotherapy is recommended which is available in China.
Symptoms of FSGS
The out come is very variable, and you will need to ask your specialist how thins are likely to be in your case. FSGS may continue for many years, requiring only regular check-ups with blood tests. In some cases, FSGS may go away. When a person get fluid retention with ankle swelling, it is an indication of worsen kidney disease. A lot of people with FSGS may develop end-stage renal failure and receive dialysis or transplantation.
Besides the symptoms, a lot of complications draw patient’s attention. High blood pressure may develop. This damages the kidneys and puts strain on the heart and the rest of the circulation. Therefore, high blood pressure should be treated vigorously. High cholesterol level may occur, requiring diet change and sometimes lowering drugs as well.
Immunotherapy is the correct treatment for immunological disease—FSGS. It mainly contains Immunodepression, immune regulation and immune protection.
Immunodepression will give patients some immunosuppressive agents to restrain renal inflammation in order to protect kidney cells. Furthermore, these agents are regularly needed to keep a good situation in kidneys. However, kidney cannot tolerate immune complexes for a long time. Immune regulation is essential to turn immune system to normal so as to block renal inflammation from the root. If the kidney has a serious hurt, immune protection is provided. It adopts Immunotherapy which does not only provide new kidney cells but also rebuild a new immune system to keep healthy for a long time.
These are about the diagnosis and treatment of FSGS all presentations, if you have other things these doubts, you can contact the following article online doctor face to face free consultation, or to send your case to kidney-support@hotmail.com inside this email, we will give you a professional reply.

Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis examination and effective treatment

FSGS (focal segmental glomerulosclerosis) is a disease that affects the kidney’s filtering system causing scarring and loss of large amounts of protein in the urine. It is a cause of nephrotic syndrome in children and adolescents, as well as an important cause of kidney failure in adults. It accounts for a sixth of nephrotic syndrome.
It is normally only diagnosed after a biopsy test of the kidney. What you see under the microscope is that the “glomeruli”, which are the tiny structures which filter the blood to make urine, are scarred.
Some examinations for kidney disease help to find problems early and people’s life expectancy can be prolonged by timely treatment. These examinations include:
Tests for kidney function. Blood tests can provide the number of creatinine, uric acid, BUN, Cyc C, RBP, HCY, IL-6, PTH in order to get the accurate kidney function in the early stage.
Urine examinations. For example, you can try tests of U-malb, U-TRF, U-IGG, U-GGT, U-NAG etc or the urinary protein electrophoresis to detect whether there is damage in kidney tissues.
Save your kidneys from FSGS, save your life
In order to prolong life expectancy, people need to seek the effective treatment for FSGS. When your condition has been worsened, what treatment can give you a good answer?
Treatment for FSGS – immunotherapy
Firstly, accurate diagnosis is a very important. A battery of tests will be ordered which can provide enough information to the doctors for the evaluation. Then an experts team will meet and discuss the best treatment plan, according to the individual condition. There are more than one therapies including traditional Chinese medicine, medicated bath, varieties of immunosuppressive drugs with low side effects, Micro-Chinese Medicine. All these therapies target to alleviate the different symptoms and restore the kidneys.
After the immunotherapy, generally symptoms can be alleviated and kidney function can be improved in different degree. More important, immune system is improved so it can help to fight against the diseases.
If you are diagnosed with FSGS, we are here to help you!
These are above FSGS diagnosis and treatment for all presentations, if you have other things these doubts, you can contact the following article online doctor face to face free consultation, or to send your case to kidney-support@hotmail.com inside this email, we will give you a professional reply.


Manifestations of FSGS and effective treatment

Is FSGS curable” is a hot topic among FSGS sufferers. It is not a straight answer. You may consult many physicians to get the answer.
FSGS refers to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis that means some sections of kidney filters are scarred. Once they are diagnosed with FSGS, it would mean a bad physical condition later unless they receive effective treatment. So most people are worried about the life expectancy with FSGS.
What is the exacting meaning of FSGS?
FSGS is short for focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Focal means some
Segmental means sections
Glomerulo means of kidney filters
Sclerosis means being scarred
Kidneys contain millions of glomeruli for filtration. They are working as the a coffee filter and keep the valuable cells and protein in the blood and remove the excess water, salt as well as the waste products. FSGS refers to some glomeruli have been damaged a`nd scarred in the kidneys. When the kidneys have broken in tissues, the valuable substances will be leaked from the blood. So people would have severe proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, swelling and hyperlipidaemia. When people get two or more symptoms above, they develop nephrotic syndrome.
What is immunotherapy?
Immunotherapy is a comprehensive therapy which is created based on the theory of immunology. It is though that 95% kidney disease including FSGS is caused by the disorder of immune system, meaning the disorder of immune system leads to foreign substances attack the body and if it destroys the kidneys, it is more likely to cause kidney disease. The destroyed part of kidney determines the type of kidney disease. Immunotherapy is characterized by treating FSGS step by step from the accurate diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. It aims to restore kidney and treat FSGS by improving and rebuild the immune system.
These are above FSGS diagnosis and treatment for all presentations, if you have other things these doubts, you can contact the following article online doctor face to face free consultation, or to send your case to enfermedad-renal@hotmail.com inside this email, we will give you a professional reply.

Symptoms of chronic glomerulonephritis and effective treatment

Chronic glomerulonephritis can occur at any age, but the young , middle-aged male-dominated , chronic nephritis symptoms diversos.Los symptoms are chronic nephritis performance experts can help make sense recordan .
1 . Infection attacks glomerulonephritis acute glomerulonephritis acute and chronic patients with the same point pharyngitis, tonsillitis , upper respiratory tract infections, infectious diseases , should piel.Por check the urine .
Two . Edema : Patients glomerulonephritis , although the lack of specific symptoms , but often quickly fatigue, weakness , back pain , eyelids , face, ankle edema, urine foam increased, abnormal color orina.Por Therefore, when these symptoms , you should go to the hospital to check the urine .
3.Hipertensión: about one third of patients with glomerular nephritis appears high blood pressure , headaches , memory loss , sleep symptoms worse . The results of these symptoms seek medical treatment found that patients with elevated blood pressure be sure to check urine, especially in younger patients .
Changes in the amount of urine 4.La : Chronic renal function evening performance can be , increased urination frequency micción.Las of healthy people , if they do not drink much water before going to bed at night 's sleep should not urinate or urinate again, if two one or more times during the night to urinate frequently , you should go to the hospital to check the urine and kidney function.
Glomerulonephritis most effective treatment
Immunotherapy is a biological therapy, can rebuild the immune system, and use the new immune system to prevent the recurrence of glomerulonephritis.
Immunotherapy includes the following six steps:
Exact diagnosis
In this step , doctors recommend that patients with a particular test , it can help to find the type, quantity , different antibodies deposited in your body . It helps your doctor to analyze your medical conditions , and create your personalized treatment .
Blocking the immune response
In this step, the therapeutic goal is to stop the immune response , thereby under controlled conditions in a short period of time , and prevent further kidney damage.
Immunomodulatory replacement helps the immune system to return to normal state. As a result, the immune complexes not produced.
Immune clearance
We must know that there are damaged cells can cause blood contamination . Immune clearance help clean the contaminated blood . As a result, will cause the blood flow to the kidneys no more damage to the kidneys .
Immune protection
Immune protection immunotherapy last step , which helps to improve and strengthen the immunity new immunotherapy. It helps to prevent the recurrence of glomerulonephritis .
What is your next step ? Recommend you click the following article online physician dialogue window , or put your case is sent to the kidney-support@hotmail.com Here , we are pleased to find that for you to solve the problem.


Related to the diagnosis and treatment of FSGS

More than 95% of kidney diseases are immunological disease and FSGS is not an exception. In order to give suitable treatment, the diagnosis like this judgment is very important. So for patients with FSGS, treatment should focus on immune regulation in order to achieve a good effect.
Give more care to FSGS
In the early stage, kidney disease hardly presents a symptom to patients. So many people live with it for a long time without known its existence. When their illness condition worsens, they begin to realize the problems of kidney disease. However, if they cannot hold the best time of treatment in the early stage, their illness is hardly reversed. So in the daily life, people need to pay more care to FSGS.
How is FSGS diagnosed?
From the information above, we can know that nephrotic syndrome can be diagnosed only by the symptoms. As long as patients have these certain signs, they are patients with nephrotic syndrome. However, FSGS need a very accurate test—biopsy to see the specific situation where the glomeruli are in. From the test report of biopsy, people would be diagnosed with FSGS if less than 50% of glomeruli are scarring.
How is FSGS treated?
FSGS is a serious kidney disease that needs a comprehensive treatment in regular treatment. Usually the treatment contains:
Immunosuppressive agents to suppress immune system
Diuretics and low-salt diet help remit edema
Medications for reducing high blood pressure
Statins to lower cholesterol level
In this situation, you can try Immunotherapy which is a comprehensive treatment for patients and is very considerate to improve many aspects of patients. This therapy contains several methods and focus on immune regulation to achieve a good effect.
From many patients’ experience, they only have received Immunodepression in order to block the renal inflammation. At the end, FSGS relapses repetitively. So immunotherapy adds immune regulation and immune protection to help remove renal inflammation and save kidneys from the root. These two therapies adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy respectively to achieve the same aim which is to keep the immune system well and eliminate renal inflammation.
These are above FSGS diagnosis and treatment for all presentations, if you have other things these doubts, you can contact the following article online doctor face to face free consultation, or to send your case to kidney-support@hotmail.com inside this email, we will give you a professional reply.

The etiology of purpura nephritis and effective treatment method

Purpura Nephritis (Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis) is a secondary disease of Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Henoch-Schonlein purpura is a systemic small-vessel vasculities caused by autoimmune disorder or abnormality. It can affect multiple organs and tissues like skin and connective tissues, scrotum, joints, gastrointestinal tract. When the kidneys are involved, it is called Purpura Nephritis (Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis).
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis Causes
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis is autoimmune disease. In normal case, the immune system can protect the body from the foreign pathological substances invading into body. Therefore, the body can keep in a healthy and normal state. However, in some cases, the immunity system is activated improperly. As a result, the complexes of immunoglobulin A (IgA) and complement component 3 (C3) are deposited on arteries, capillaries and venules. Afterwards, these immune complexes will be carried to glomerular mesangial are by blood circulation.
As the kidneys have specific blinding epitopes, the immune complexes will deposit in glomeruli mesangial cells. The body mounts an inflammatory response to remove the immune complexes. Ultimately, the inflammation can cause damage to and impair the function of the glomeruli, leading to Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis.
The treatment of allergic purpura nephritis
The main treatment of allergic purpura nephritis is immunotherapy, can effectively alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms caused by various because kidney disease. After a period of treatment, one can get an obvious improvement. However, only focus on these two kinds of treatment the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, it can prevent the progress of the disease,
In immunotherapy, the infusion of the healthy stem cells into the patients’ body can repair the damaged renal cells and tissues effectively. Under right condition, stem cells can differentiate into new cells, tissues and organs. In the treatment of Purpura Nephritis, stem cells can differentiate into new renal functional cells and renal tissues to replace the diseased ones to function. Therefore, the renal function will improve and even recover normal.
These are for those allergic purpura nephritis related presentations and treatment of all content, if you have more questions need to be resolved, you can always post the following on-line dialogue, meanwhile, you can also send your question to the mailbox inside kidney-support@hotmail.com, we will give you a professional answer guidance.

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