
Chronic kidney disease diet care Precautions

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages will cause different symptoms. According to these symptoms can help patients and their family members to take appropriate treatment and care interventions. So, how do these treatments can effectively control the development of chronic kidney disease do?
Patients with chronic nephritis have proteinuria of different degree, so it is necessary for them to control the protein intake in their diet. A balance diet is favorable for the recovery of damaged kidney. And the following points should be noticed in the daily diet.
The intake of protein
In patients with chronic renal insufficiency protein intake should be controlled, so as to alleviate the burden on the kidneys. In the preferred high quality protein under the premise of the right amount of protein per day is about 0.4-0.6g/kg. Persistent low blood protein can reduce resistance, easily lead to infection and recurrent edema. High protein intake can lead to glomerular filtration, which will promote the gradual glomerulosclerosis.
The intake of salt
If patients don't have edema and hypertension, it is not necessary for them to control the intake of salt. The control of salt mainly aims at patients with serious swelling and hypertension, because the high intake of salt can aggravate the retention of water and sodium. The proper amount can be 2-3g. In addition, patients with high potassium also should restrict the intake of potassium.
The intake of water
If patients don't have oliguria and swelling, they need not to reduce the water volume they take each day. But during the edema, the intake of water should depend on urine output and edema degree. Generally speaking, during obvious edema, the intake of water should be limited in 500-800ml per day.
Above these is today's daily diet for chronic kidney disease care all precautions introduced, this aspect of things if you have more doubts, you can click the following article online physician dialogue, you can put your case finishing sent to kidney-support@hotmail.com inside the mailbox, we will give you a professional guidance.

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