
What is high creatinine, creatinine increased control method

Creatinine level is one of the most important indexes which people with diabetic nephropathy concerned. When creatinine level is rising up, it indicates people’s kidney function is worsened and many toxic substances stay in the body to poison all the tissues and organs. How to lower your creatinine level in diabetic nephropathy?
First what caused high Creatinine level?
Creatinine is the metabolic product of muscles and discharged out of body through the kidneys, just like other metabolic products and excessive water in the blood.
Generally, if creatinine in your blood rises, higher than the normal range, it is likely that more than 50% of your kidney function has lost. The excessive creatinine will further damage your kidneys. Then, it's very important to reduce Creatinine level, when you find your Creatinine level is higher than the normal range.
How to treat high creatinine level
High creatinine level is caused by the reduced renal filtration function duo to necrosis and sclerosis of glomeruli. Therefore, to lower creatinine level, the primary goal is to restore the impaired kidneys and recover normal renal function.
At present, Immunotherapy is known to be the most advanced and effective therapy in restoring impaired tissues and organs.
Immunotherapys are a group of unspecialized cells with potentials of differentiation. In right conditions, they can differentiate into any type of cells with specific function.
More related issues, consult the following article online doctors

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