
The life of the stage 3 kidney disease and treatment

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common condition in which there is a loss of kidney function over time. It is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and chronic renal failure. Kidney disease is the ninth leading cause of death in the United States.
The early detection of CKD is important because it gives the opportunity to reduce the progression to end-stage kidney disease, allows the patient to be involved in choices about their treatment and ultimately may improve their life expectancy.
According to GFR( glomerular filtration rate), CKD(Chronic Kidney Disease) can be divided into five stages. The normal range of GFR( glomerular filtration rate) is 80 to 120 ml/(min•1.73㎡), which shows the volumn of blood which flows into kidney per minute. GFR is a very scientific index which indicates how kidney is damaged and in other words, it shows how the renal function is.
In the third stage, GFR declines to 30~59ml/(min•1.73㎡). Patients fall into renal failure stage based on Chinese traditional standard. The serum creatinine rises to 442 to 707μmol/L(5~8mg/dl). The creatinine clearance rate declines to 20 to 10 ml/min. BUN ( blood urea nitrogen) increased to 179~286mmol/L(50~80mg/dl).
There is no specific duration for any stage of CKD. It may stay in the same stage for a long time or progress rapidly. Disease progression usually depends on the cause, protein in urine, blood pressure control and others.
Can chronic kidney disease be reversed?
Under conventional treatment, it may be impossible to reverse the kidney disease. Patients can only take some measures to slow down further progression of the disease.
The good news is that, in 2012, a brand new treatment has been developed in China. This is called immunotherapy, which is created by the nation's top kidney experts in our hospital on the basis of 26 years' experience and expertise in treating a wide range of kidney diseases.
Immunotherapy aims at treating chronic kidney disease from the perspective of immune regulation. After we eliminate the root cause, your condition can certainly be reversed effectively. Patients are required to adopt therapy as soon as possible. The early you receive standard treatment, the better the outcome is.
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