
High creatinine levels rise corresponding solutions

Elevated creatinine level is an important sign in Kidney Disease. Once the creatinine level is above the normal level, it implies that more than half of the renal function has been impaired. Therefore, it is very important for people with Kidney Disease to prevent creatinine level to elevate.
Why does creatinine level rise high?
IgA nephropathy is always considered as a slight illness that would not lead to serious problems. People usually do not pay more attention on treatment. However, it is just this disease that hurt kidney tissues and more and more glomeruli cannot work due to furious inflammation in kidneys. Creatinine level in blood is just one index to estimate the GFR (glomeruli filtration rate). It also tells people how high the toxic substances deposit in kidneys.
Some medications can reduce creatinine in the blood. You can consult your doctor for some medicines. But certain medications, such as acetaminophen and aspirin can raise your creatinine levels. Be careful when using them.
Some treatments can be used to reduce Creatinine level.
Dialysis, often called artificial kidney, can be used to reduce creatinine levels. But please note dialysis can't repair the kidneys. As it's mentioned above, high creatinine level is caused by the loss of th kidney function. Dialysis can merely filtrate creatinine out of the body. It cannot completely replace the kidneys or repair the damaged kidneys, so dialysis only can reduce Creatinine level in a short time.
·Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
High creatinine level and anemia are the common complications of patients with Kidney Failure. When you are diagnosed with Kidney Failure, your doctor may suggest with dialysis.
More related issues, consult the following article online doctors

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