
How to deal the symptoms of shrinking kidneys

One patient told me that he always felt fatigue and took test for the causes. The test reports said that he had already shrinking kidneys. For it is heard that shrinking kidneys means renal failure, now he is worried about the health of kidneys. Is shrinking kidney serious for patients?

In most cases, shrinking kidney is a consequence of long-term kidney disease that makes kidney can’t get enough nutrition and oxygen, resulting in loss of kidney function. With this illness condition, you may have nausea, vomiting, fatigue, anemia, skin itching, edema, high blood pressure, blood urine or other symptoms.

The onset of these symptoms can remind your of accepting proper treatment timely.

Kidney shrinking treatment

For chalking out the treatment plan,the first step is to determine the underlying cause of this condition.Imaging procedures such as CT scan and MRI can help in the diagnosis of kidney shrinking.The treatment should depend on the kidney damage degree and the causes of kidney shrinking.The treatment goal is to stop further kidney shrinking and protect the residual renal function as well as restore the impaired kidney tissues and improve renal function.

Chinese herbs can effectively improve blood circulation, increase blood and oxygen supply to the damaged kidney, kidney tonic herbs, can restore the body's self-healing systems. Once kidney damage kidney tissue to fresh and operation will stop atrophy, renal function gradually improved.

These are all of the content for renal atrophy, this aspect of things if you have more questions, you can click on the plate for a free online medical consultation, you can put your case after finishing sent to kidney-support@hotmail.com here, we will get back to you some professional guidance.

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