Kidneys can filter wastes and extra fluids from body as well as balance blood pressure and produce essential hormones.However,if kidney shrinking occurs,the kidneys will fail to perform these functions adequately.
In the structure of kidneys, renal inerstitium takes apart more room, so kidney is easily withered when renal interstitium are damaged. However, it would not give a heavy blow to your body, the main filtering tissues—glomeruli are not hurt. So patients have no life danger temporarily.
A normal kidney should be as long as 8.1 to 11cm, as wide as 5.5 to 7cm and as high as 4 to 5cm. In general, if a kidney is measured to be smaller than a normal kidney through B ultrasound, a shrunken kidney can be diagnosed and usually, the smaller the kidney is, the more serious the kidney disease is.
treatment of shrinking kidneys------traditional Chinese medicine treatment
To treat kidney damage caused by kidney cysts we must firstly know the causes of this disease. The reason why patients experience hematuria and back pains is that the cysts oppression renal tissues. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment can improve blood circulation and improve permeability on cystic walls, thus promoting reabsorption of cystic liquid from tissues, reducing cyst size and stopping secretion of cystic liquid. In this way, with cystic pressure decreasing, cyst size gets reduced gradually and cyst growth is blocked. So the concerned issue as to oppression of kidney cyst on surrounding renal tissues can be avoided and clinical symptoms improved.
These are all of the content for renal atrophy, this aspect of things if you have more questions, you can click on the plate for a free online medical consultation, you can put your case after finishing sent to here, we will get back to you some professional guidance.