
How to Reduce Creatinine Level

Many patients were very confused when they were told that they had high Creatinine Level, and consulted us what caused the high Creatinine level and how to reduce the high Creatinine level. Now experts offer information about high Creatinine level.

First what caused high Creatinine level?

Creatinine is the metabolic product of muscles and discharged out of body through the kidneys, just like other metabolic products and excessive water in the blood.
Generally, if creatinine in your blood rises, higher than the normal range, it is likely that more than 50% of your kidney function has lost. The excessive creatinine will further damage your kidneys. Then, it's very important to reduce Creatinine level, when you find your Creatinine level is higher than the normal range.

How to reduce high Creatinine level? Some ways are introduced here.

If Creatinine level is just higher than the normal range by little, some dietary guidance is as follows.

It's shown that a diet containing much protein raises creatinine levels in the blood. So try to lower the intake of meats and add more vegetables to your diet.
drink as much water as possible. Creatinine is eliminated through the urine. But if water volume you drink is limited by your doctor, you had better consult your doctor before accepting this advice.

Ask help from medicine.

Some medications can reduce creatinine in the blood. You can consult your doctor for some medicines. But certain medications, such as acetaminophen and aspirin can raise your creatinine levels. Be careful when using them.

Some treatments can be used to reduce Creatinine level.


Dialysis, often called artificial kidney, can be used to reduce creatinine levels. But please note dialysis can't repair the kidneys. As it's mentioned above, high creatinine level is caused by the loss of th kidney function. Dialysis can merely filtrate creatinine out of the body. It cannot completely replace the kidneys or repair the damaged kidneys, so dialysis only can reduce Creatinine level in a short time.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair your injured kidneys, Creatinine level will reduce as long as the kidneys are repaired. Through dilating blood vessels, digesting extracellular matrix, and repair the kidneys, more nutrient will be brought to the kidneys, so the kidneys will get enough nutrient to heal itself. If you want to learn more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, please email to kidneydisease1@hotmail.com

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