
How to Treat Child Nephritis

Parents of the patients with Child Nephritis often ask ‘how to treat Child Nephritis’. In order to improve the effect of the treatment, we can not only depend on the treatment, proper nursing and care are also needed. What I want to introduce to you today is the treatment and diet about Child Nephritis.

1. Chinese medicine cordyceps sinensis can effectively promote the growth of the renal tubular epithelium and the recovery of the damaged cells, increase the stableness of cell membrane, and strengthen the tolerance to oxygen privation of the renal tubular epithelium, which has certain therapeutical effect on Nephritis.

2. As a new generation of cellular immunosuppressive agent, Cyclosporin A is a new kind of medicine to treat Nephritis, but it has noticeable side effects, so it is unsuitable for the child.

3. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy created by Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital has obvious curative effect in treating Child Nephritis and other kidney diseases. It commences from the pathogenesis to block renal fibrosis, repair damaged kidney inherent cells and protect the remaining inherent cells, thus curing Child Nephritis fundamentally.

In daily life, the matters that need attentions are as follows:

1. The supply of protein. The protein intake depends on the extent of the damage to the kidney. The protein in the food should not be strictly limited if the disease course is long and the damage to the kidney is not serious, but should not be over 1g every kilo of weight. High quality protein should be more than 50%.

2. Because some patients limit protein intake, energy supply should mainly come from carbohydrates and fat and meet the needs of activity of the patients.

3. Control the intake of sodium salt. For patients with serious edema and hypertension, salt intake should be limited to below 2g/d, and even no salt diet. Generally speaking, low salt diet is more suitable.

Food selection for patients with Child Nephritis

1. Patients with poor appetite can supplement vitamin C preparations. At the same time, food rich in vitamin B and folic acid should also be eaten more, such as animal viscera, green vegetables etc, which is helpful to improve anemia. Patients with hyperkalemia should avoid food rich in potassium, and caution in selecting vegetables and fruits. Patients with Chronic Nephritis should avoid carbonated beverage and stimulating food.

2. Because patients with long time Chronic Nephritis may have anemia, supplementing vitamin C can increase the absorption of iron ions. So the patients should eat tomatoes, green vegetables, fresh dates, water melon, radish, cucumber, oranges, kiwi fruit and straight juice etc.

The above is the diet and treatment for Child Nephritis. Hope the parents of the children patients can master and follow the advice closely. Following the medical advice, proper and scientific nursing and correct and effective treatment will sure make the children healthy soon.

If you need any help, please email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

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