
Can Kidney Damage Be Reversed in Lupus Nephritis

Lupus Nephritis is a serious complication of systemic lupus erythematous (SLE). About one-third to one-half of the patients with SLE may suffer from kidney damage. If untreated in time, Lupus Nephritis can progress into Kidney Failure. Therefore, it is very important to reverse kidney damage in Lupus Nephritis as early as possible.

The patients with SLE have autoimmune deficiency. The antibodies in their body can not make difference between the foreign invaders and the body own tissues. When the external antigens like virus, bacteria and so on invade into body, the antibodies are activated. However, they fail to fight against those foreigner invaders thus leading to a large amount of immune complex C3, IgG, IgM depositing glomerular epithelial cells. Then these immune complexes promote an inflammatory response by activating complement and attracting inflammatory cells. As a result, the kidneys are inflamed and lose their function gradually.

The conventional medications used in the treatment of Lupus Nephritis mainly include corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs. Corticosteroids can resist the inflammatory inflammation to some extent so as to delay the Lupus Nephritis. However, it can bring huge side effects to the patients like obesity, high blood glucose, weight gain and so on. Immunosuppressive drugs can suppress immunity system activity that damages the kidneys. However, it can also restrain the normal immune reaction. Therefore, the patients are very prone to catch colds and other diseases. What's the most important point is that they can not remove the immune complexes at all so the inflammatory reaction can not be inhibited.

In order to prevent the further kidney damage, it is the key to remove immune complex and stop the abnormal immune reaction. Chinese medicine plays an important role in the treatment of Lupus Nephritis. The therapeutic mechanism is as follows:

1. Dilate blood vessels

Dilating blood vessels can improve the renal ischemia and anoxia resulting from immune complexes. It can guarantee sufficient oxgen and blood supplement so as to prevent further decline in renal function as well as build a favorable environment for repairing the impaired epithelial cells.

2. Anti-inflammation

Chinese medicines can anti-inflammation function. They can decrease restrain the inflammatory reaction in kidneys to some extent so as to bloke further damage to kidneys.

3. Degrading

Chinese medicines can degrade the immune complexes and extracellular matrix. Then they will be passed out into urine. As a result, the fundamental cause of kidney damage is diminished.

Chinese medicines can provide some nutrients that can promote the self-repairing of the damaged renal functional cells. However, if the cells are necrotic, the medicines are no use for this part of cells.

After the above four therapeutic processes, the patients' kidney damage will be reversed to some extent.

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