What is the diet of the patients with renal cyst Diet is important to
patients of renal cyst, diet cauda many undesirable diseases. So, would on diet,
things which patients
renal cyst have to care?
About diet, things which patients renal cyst have to care, the
following words are on is question:
1. Control of protein intake, protein intake too much or too little are
having damage to the body, especially the kidneys. Ingere much protein causes a
lot of metabolic waste. The metabolic role of renal cyst patients have problem,
reduced glomerular filtration capacity, many protein leave the body in the
urine, gravel load on the kidneys. Control of protein intake can recudir the
burden on the kidneys, it helps to treat kidney.
2. Control your intake of salt, salt limit is dependent on the degree of
kidney damage and disease situation is not all patients need to control
3. Control of water intake, simple renal cyst, because decreased renal
function, metabolites need more water intake to help excreted. therefore, these
patients have the obvious edema and hypertension, they can drink convenient
water may not strict limit.
4. Patients with renal cyst that far spicy food, do not smoke, do not drink
wine, eat the pickled food.