
High creatinine and dialysis

Patients with advanced renal failure, they use dialysis to reduce the level of creatinine. Dialysis is a renal replacement therapy, in most cases it can recudir creatinine. But in other cases, it does not work effectively. What is text, you can have complete knowledge of dialysis and high creatinine.

Generally, patients need not use dialysis only when renal function is less than 15%, creatinine is more than 5.0mg / dl or have urgent complication. Dialysis, a type of technologies blood purification, can remove reciduos body. If patients accept full dialysis creatinine level quickly and obviously reduced. However, between dialysis may creatinine is increased again.

If you have kidney failure and creatinine is not reduced with the help of dialysis, the main reasons are twofold. As the above words, your dialysis not complete, it causes many resituos remain in the body. Because more and more deposit in the blood creatinine, creatinine level increases again. The other reason is that creatinine is high again discover change during dialysis, because the wastes build up in the new kidney during dialysis.

Why creatinine increases again during dialysis or after dialysis? We know according to the above words. If you want recudir creatinine effectively, some treatments to repair the kidney. More renal function works again, less complications and creatinine has changed usual.

Compare dialysis, immunotherapy can not only help purify the blood, but also improve kidney function and kidney damage repaired by the means of producing new kidney tissues. After 3 weeks treatment, his creatinine obviomente reduced. We hope you leave high creatinine and dialysis after using this treatment.

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