What we mean a man with creatinine 1.3? Many people know creatinine is an index to confirm renal function, but it is possible they do not endentenden the meaning of creatinine 1.3.
Creatinine is a metabolic product of muscles, but also it is increased by the meat we eat. She is useless to our healthy body, therefore eliminated from the body with urine on the same day, and the novel of creatinine in the blood is between a stable range.
Moreover, the kidneys have a strong compensation if only half normal kidney function, kidney works normally. Therefore, creatinine increases when more than half of kidney function is damaged.
Creatinine is a metabolic product of muscles, therefore normal creatinine level between man and woman is different, because the amount of muscle is different between men and mejer. The normal level of creatinine in man is 0.6~1.2ml / min, and normal creatinine level woman is 0.5~1.1ml / min. Therefore, creatinine 1.3 to man is high.
As the above words, creatinine increased when more than half of kidney function is damaged. Therefore, if a man creatinine is 1.3, it dignifies their renal damage is urgent.
Actually, when creatinine is 1.3, it is possible that the patient has no obvious symptoms, so he does not feel his illness is urgent at this time.
Instead, the patient has to actively accept treatment at this time, he has to change the habit of your diet and your life because it can improve your condition obviously.
Moreover, emotion has a significant influence on our body, so the patient has to maintain good emotion.
Finally, if you are a patient with creatinine 1.3, you take care of your body much, please. And if you have questions or concerns about this item, discidi with our teacher online, please.