
The cause of glomerular filtration rate

In society there are many people has nephropathy, glomerular filtration rate is one of the major diseases, therefore,? Which is the cause of glomerular filtration rate?

Actually play the role of renal function is the function of the kidney cells. Main function is to clear the blood of harmful substances from the body, such scanning is the glomerular filtration. For this reason, people attach great importance to the ability of glomerular filtration of this force.

So what GFR refuse? To understand this problem, we first analyze how the glomerular filtration rate is achieved. One study found that the glomerular filtration is achieved by means of two functions, one function glomerular mechanical barrier, the second is responsible for glomerular barrier function. Mechanical barrier function means there is a way for glomerular filtration of small molecules, macromolecules and do not allow the ability to filter. This ability of macromolecules in the blood remaining in the blood, and small polar molecules in urine. The glomerular barrier is called charge is a positive charge to the material through the ability to ensure that the material to remain negatively charged blood. Through the above two functions is performed in the glomerular filtration process to ensure the blood with a positive charge of small molecules in the function of urine, through the above two functions is performed in the glomerular filtration process to ensure the blood with a positively charged small molecules function in urine.

Later, when medical science has found further that people also opened a glomerular filtration rate and renal tubular absorption secret. Found that mechanical barrier function of the glomerular capillary endothelium glomerular layer is derived from a functional cell - capillary endothelial cells and mesangial cells within the capillaries together and play a mechanical barrier. The glomerular barrier function of load is derived from a layer of glomerular function of skin cells - capillary epithelial cells have a capacity of negative charge control through the material. The three functional cells together before glomerular filtration process to ensure blood with a positively charged small molecules leak into the urine. The urine in the renal tubules, tubules have a function in endothelial cells - make the urine of renal tubular epithelial cells positively charged, while the body of the material that needs to be re-absorbed. These four functional across multiple cells ensures that controls useful in the blood retained in the blood substances, harmful substances in urine are eventually excreted. But once queapareceel cuerpocontra the disease, queprimerodará acambiosenla place compositionof human blood .And cause glomerular and tubular outside the capacity of their work, and for injury or damage to the balance of the initial filtration. Breaking the essence of this destruction of the four functions of cells or one or two or all damaged. This study found that it is often said that the decrease in GFR, glomerular and tubular function essentially on the basis of four cells the damage occurred. At this point, people come to a meaningful conclusion: the decline in renal function renal units - the glomerular filtration and tubular function and return results in decreased absorption, and decreased glomerular and tubular function right for this function is the glomerular and tubular cells - glomerular capillary endothelial cells, mesangial cells, epithelial cells and the role of tubular epithelial cells in the impairment of function after the destruction. Study here, finally found a GFR of the real reason - the composition of renal cell units, that is, the inherent functional cells are damaged renal function after damage was reduced.

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