
If high creatinine renal failure segnifica

In recent years, more and more people have high creatinine, and some of them feel that this symptom in any degree is equal to kidney failure. The following words are the explanations for this question.

Kidney failure is the patient's renal function perde some or all kidney functions. In the normal condition, kidney limina blood, he can filter waste and excess fluids from the blood, it can also maintain the stability of the inner body. When they are damaged, bad things accumulate in the kidneys and cause damage to the intrinsic cells. In clinic, call us renal failure chronic kidney disease (CKD) Stage 5 also. At this stage, the glomerular filtration rate of the patient is less than 15ml / min, and the condition is urgent.

Creatinine is a metabolic product of creatine in the muscles. And the food can also produce creatinine. Healthy kidney may eliminate accumulating in our creatinine urine or blood. Thus, the creatinine level can be maintained in a normal range. High creatinine damage beautifully reflects glomerular filtration function.

If a patient has renal failure, your creatinine is high. High creatinine renal failure can not mostra, you may CKD stage 2 or 3. In this case, the patient's condition effectively controlled and timely treatment, and the patient avoids dialysis or kidney transplantation. Therefore, if you have high creatinine, you will heal in time to prevent the disease progresses to kidney failure.

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