
What Causes Blurred Vision in Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition in which the body is unable to create the hormone insulin for the body. Insulin helps regulate the body's glucose level in the blood and it also is the key for the cells to use the glucose in the blood as fuel for its needs. So, the blood glucose levels become too high. Over time, many illnesses can be caused. Here, we mainly talk about the causes of blurred vision in DM.

Blurred vision is the first sign of eye vision problems. It usually occurs in diabetics who have had the disease for 5 or more years. The first cause of this condition is high blood glucose.

Uncontrolled DM can result in high levels of blood glucose. High blood glucose levels, or changes in blood glucose levels, affects the lens of the eye through pulling fluid from the lenses of the eyes affecting focus, thus causing blurred vision.

Without well treated, complications with vision will continue, resulting in Diabetic Retinopathy, the leading cause of visual impairment and blindness.
In addition, common symptoms and causes of DM eye disease also include:

▪ Double vision - this means two objects are seen when only one exists. It occurs as a result of damage to the nerves controlling the eye muscle.

▪ Cloudy vision - it may occur over a period of month and is caused because of cataract and swelling of the retina.

▪ Floating spots in the visual field - small transparent threads exist in the vitreous of the eye, and they may lose their transparency with age and seen as dark spots or lines.

▪ Curtain like shadows in the eye - it is caused by a retinal detachment or major bleeding in the retina. Infection in the eye may lead to red irritated eyes and raised pressure in the eye results in sudden pain in the eye.

Prevention for these problems of DM is better than cure. Ensure regular and proper check up. Quit smoking if a smoker.

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