
Management of Flank Pain in Berger's Disease

Flank pain describes a sensation of discomfort, distress, or agony in the part of the body below the rib and above the ilium. In short, it refers to pain on the sides or small of the back. This condition is often linked to renal or kidney problems. Here, we'd like to talk about flank pain in Berger's disease.

In Berger's disease, flank pain is thought to be resulted from swelling and stretching of the renal capsule - the covering forming the outside of the kidney, during acute episodes of IgA Nephropathy. The pain is usually reported as a dull ache.

In some cases, patients may develop persistent, severe attacks of loin pain. Some patients may be diagnosed with loin pain hematuria syndrome (LPHS).

How to manage flank pain in Berger's disease?

1. Catch the pain at the start and apply heat to the area with a hot water bottle, heating pad, or soaks in a warm bath or shower. Hot castor oil packs over the painful area may be helpful.

2. Modify dietary arrangement. Increase the water intake during attacks. For people whose urine in the morning is cloudy, with a fine, white sediment, they should avoid eating dairy, meats, sodas until the urine clears and pain disappears. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and only whole grains.

3. Stay away from caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco during any exacerbations of Berger's disease.

As for the medical treatment, it may varies with different specific causes of the flank pain. The treatment should be make after nephrologist have a comprehensive analysis of the illness condition and find the underlying cause. Then, corresponding therapies can be carried out to relive the symptom.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is one of the largest kidney disease specialized hospital in the world. Established in 1986, the nation's top nephrologists in our hospital have accumulated more than 20 years' experience and expertise in Berger's disease treatment. With the most-advanced therapies, patients can have the most successful chance of recovery.

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