
How to Stop Cold from Affecting Nephrotic Syndrome

People with Nephrotic Syndrome should protect themselves from being attacked by a cold, as it will worsen the illness condition. Then, how to stop cold from affecting NS?

In general, a person with NS has relatively lower immune ability, so he may catch a cold easily. Therefore, the most important precaution in to improve the overall immunity from the following aspects.

1. Eat less or no medications including immune agents and cytotoxic medications.
People who take these medicines in the long run will be affected by a cold easily due to decreased immune ability. So patients are recommended to reduce the intake or avoid the use of these medicines.

2. Improve the body's overall immune ability with combined Chinese - Western medicine.

NS is a kind of autoimmune disease which occurs as a result of abnormal immune system or immune dysfunction. In this case, germs like virus or bacteria will invade into the body, and then combine with antibodies produced by the immune system, forming immune complexes. More and more depositions of immune complex will accumulate in the kidneys. In order to remove these substances, there are excessive immune reaction within the body, causing damages to the renal intrinsic cells and tissues.

At present, the latest therapy for enhancing the immunity of NS is Immunotherapy. This is a systemic treatment which aims at treat kidney disease from the perspective of immune regulation.

There are altogether six steps contained in Immunotherapy: an accurate diagnosis, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune regulation, immune protection, and immune clearance. Specific steps are adopted according to individual illness conditions.

The whole process involves many advanced treatments such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotehrapy and Immunotherapy. The former can provide a favorable environment for kidney repair, and the latter is applied to restore the kidney function and rebuild the immune system. Once patient's immunity is enhanced, patients can protect themselves from being affected by a cold so as to stop further deterioration.

The above is an general introduction about Immunotherapy. Is there still any questions? Contact our online service for free help.

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