In western countries, when the patient suffers from End-Stage Chronic Renal Failure (GFR<10-15%), renal replacement therapy (RRT) is often needed to
prevent the occurrence of Uremia, sustain life as well as improve the quality of
daily living.
There are 2 types of RRT: dialysis and kidney transplant.
People with advanced Chronic Renal Failure who have progressed to end-stage
renal disease (ESRD) usually require dialysis. The need for this therapy is
indicated by various findings in blood analysis, such as high levels of
creatinine and nitrogen, and by a glomerular filtration rate that is, at most 15
and usually less than 10.
This therapy is a substitute for some normal duties of the kidneys, such as
remove waste products and extra fluid from the blood. Then, patients can
maintain a normal life. However, this therapy isn't a treatment for kidney
disease, and the illness will still progress gradually. Long-term dialysis may
cause many troublesome complications.
Kidney transplant
A healthy kidney can be transplanted into a person with complete kidney
failure through a surgery. After successful transplantation, patients can expect
to live without dialysis.
Immunosuppressive anti-rejection drugs must be taken for the remainder of the
patient's life. These medications can lead to Diabetes and hypertension in some
persons. If the surgery fails, patients have to start dialysis again.
Except for the above renal replacement therapy, people with Chronic Renal
Failure have better alternative treatment, which is known as Immunotherapy.
This is a systemic therapy which is developed by renowned nephrologists in
China after many years' research and experience in treating kidney diseases.
With this therapy, all the symptoms can be eliminated and the damaged kidney
function will get recovered gradually. So, Immunotherapy is currently one of the
best treatments for Chronic Renal Failure.