
Natural Herbs that are Good for PKD

Polycystic Kidney Disease or PKD is a kidney disorder that involves numerous cysts formed inside the kidneys, causing the kidneys to become enlarged. Western medicine treatment focuses on controlling symptoms and preventing complications rather than curing the cause of the problem. So the curative effects are not satisfactory, and the disease often recurs. Here, we introduce better alternative natural herbs for PKD, and hope it is helpful for all patients.

Uva Ursi

This herb has a long history of use for treating urinary conditions in both America and Europe. It acts as a diuretic and is widely used to treat urinary tract infections. Patients with PKD tends to be affected by frequent urinary tract infections, which can spread to the cysts in the kidneys. So prompt treatment is needed. In this case, 10 g of uva ursi leaf is typically used. Ask your doctor before using this herb.


It is an herb that has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Antioxidants contained in garlic help protect normal cells from damage due to free radicals. Garlic has antibacterial properties and can be used to help reduce high blood pressure, thus slow the development of PKD. Discuss with your doctor whether it is safe for you to consume it.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a kind of natural herbal remedy for a wide range of kidney diseases. As for PKD treatment, this therapy can take effects to improve the blood circulation of cysts wall, stop the growth of cysts and shrink them gradually, and speed up the process of kidney repair. Through eliminate the root cause of PKD, patients can have a better recovery.

▪ Chinese medicines are collected from herbal plants, so this remedy has no side effects on the body.

▪ Other than orally taken medicine or a surgery, this therapy is an external application. The whole process is just like a massage.

▪ There are more than 10 different formulas, and specific prescription is adopted based on personalized illness condition.

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