
Should Diabetics with Kidney Disease Drink Diet Colas

Diabetes is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease, and kidney disease usually advances at a faster rate in diabetics, especially for those who have a poor control of the illness. A healthy diet not only is essential in the management of Diabetes, but it also plays a pivotal role in preserving renal functions. While, should diabetics with kidney disease drink diet colas?

Diabetics with kidney disease

Renal disease is characterized by the gradual loss of renal function. Healthy kidneys can function to filter the blood and maintain the balance of electrolyte levels in the blood like potassium, phosphorus, sodium and maintain pH within normal ranges. Diabetic renal disease patients should restrict the intake of these nutritions in the daily diet.

In general, a person with Diabetes & kidney disease is recommended to restrict certain diet sodas or cut them out all together. Reasons are as below:

▪ These drinks contain phosphorus. Since the kidneys are damaged over time, they loss their filtering ability, so excessive phosphorus accumulated in the blood rather then being eliminated. High blood phosphorus can disrupt calcium absorption, causing bone loss. Deposits of calcium and phosphorus in the skin will lead to itchy skin, bone pain, and scaling.

▪ Diet sodas sweetened with acesulfame potassium can result in elevated potassium level in the blood, as the diseased kidneys are not able to filter certain minerals and electrolytes. In severe cases, irregular heart and even cardiac arrest can be caused.

Besides, Diabetes & kidney disease patients are recommended to choose foods as below:

Low-potassium foods: bagels, flour tortillas, noodles, fruit cocktail, graham crackers, lettuce, carrots and blueberries.

Low-phosphorus foods: apples, strawberries, grapes, unsweetened dry cereal, Cream of Wheat, and fat-free milk.

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