
How to Prolong Life Span after Kidney Transplant

Kidney transplant usually is the last choice for people to sustain life. However, the study shows that only 1% of patients can get 10 years longer time. So they need to pay more care to their graft kidney in order to prolong life span.

If you have receive kidney transplant, protection of the new kidney is the main work they should do in order to live longer. Rejection is the dangerous things they are facing every day. So anti-rejection drugs should be taken to resist the rejection to the new kidney. Meanwhile, their immunity are seriously reduced by this type of drugs. So they are easily infected by foreign invaders resulting in threatening their lives.

For most patients, they have to accept many limits in their life after kidney transplant. They need to control a good blood pressure, blood sugar, blood fat etc by the a good diet, life style and medication in order to reduce the risk of heart disease. infections also should be prevented, so they had better to avoid going to crowded place, raising pets, flu infections, wound infection and so on. Besides, regular examinations should be taken so as to prevent further damage.

Now new therapy can give a hope to prolong life span after kidney transplant. In our hospital, immunotherapy is one of individualized therapies for the graft kidney. It makes full use of Chinese medicine and Immunotherapy to regulate the immune system. Chinese herbs ingredients can improve the function of organs including the graft kidney and balance the coordination between organs. Some rare crude drugs is available to provide more nutrition for the demand of body.

Immunotherapy is a better therapy to rebuild a new immune system. Immunotherapys can produce new and healthy immune cells and help their own immune system to accept the new kidney. Furthermore, they also can differentiate into kidney cells to replace the damaged ones in graft kidneys.

By adopting immunotherapy, patients can prolong their life span after kidney transplant. If your graft kidney has problems, immunotherapy can help you and give you a good curative effect.

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