
Loss of Appetite in Chronic Kidney Failure

A loss of appetite can occur from a variety of reasons, and once the underlying cause has been discovered, steps can be taken to eliminate the cause and restore the appetite. Individuals with Chronic Kidney Failure often experience this problem.

Appetite loss is also referred to as a food aversion or anorexia, involving decreased appetite, hunger or desire to eat. This condition may often be accompanied by fatigue, feelings of listlessness, depression, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Chronic Kidney Failure, also known as chronic kidney disease, can cause loss of appetite due to gradual decline of kidney function.

When the kidneys are healthy, they keep the body and blood clean by filtering and eliminating waste products, electrolytes and fluids. If the kidneys fail over time in kidney failure, their ability to perform this function significantly decreases, causing dangerous high levels of fluid and wastes to build up in the body. In this condition, people with Chronic Kidney Failure will suffer from decreased appetite.

Besides, other common signs and symptoms associated with Chronic Renal Failure include unintentional weight loss, decreased urine output, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, weakness, difficulty in sleep, reduced mental sharpness, muscle cramps/twitches, ankle and feet swelling and itchy skin.

What are the treatments for loss of appetite?

▪ Limit the intake of fluid, as fluid intake can fill us up and reduce the appetite from solid food. Patients need to restrict the water intake during and between meals.

▪ Eat in a pleasant environment, as a pleasant eating environment can enhance relaxation and improve one's appetite and eating habits.

▪ The most important treatment is to block further decline of kidney damage, protect the remaining renal function, repair the damaged kidneys, and regulate the immune system. The latest Immunotherapy can help us achieve these goals and eliminate the symptom of appetite loss.

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