
What Factors Can Increase or Reduce Blood Sugar Level

Blood sugar means glucose concentration in blood, ranging from 3.9 to 6.1mmol. Different diabetics have different reactions to blood sugar level. They will draw a plan in line with their own Diabetes treatment. Then what factors can increase or decrease blood sugar level?

Factors increasing blood sugar are as follows.

Diet or foods: After intake of food, digestive system breaks down carbohydrates in foods into glucose through a series of digestive activities. Therefore, glucose level in blood (blood sugar level) will increase when we are eating.

Diseases: When patients with Diabetes have other diseases, such as cold, fever, their blood sugar level have a substantial increase. In addition, under this situation, human body can produce many antagonistic insulin hormones, so blood sugar level gets higher. Besides, some ingredients in drugs treating cough and cold can increase blood sugar level and blood pressure level.

Sports: If patients have Type 1 Diabetes, there is no enough insulin in his body, which can increase blood sugar level. When patients are doing moderate or vigorous physical exercise, nervous system transmits signals to liver and glucose in liver is released, increasing blood sugar level.

Stress: If people are under stress, their body will produce quantities of hormone, which can increase blood sugar level. Hormones includes adrenocorticotropic hormone, glucagon. These hormones secretion levels increase.
Dawn phenomenon: Generally, blood sugar level increases obviously between 4 a.m and 8 a.m, which is called “dawn phenomenon” in clinic. Dawn phenomenon is usually one of the reasons for the increasing of fasting glucose in the morning.

Factors reducing blood pressure are as follows.

Insulin: The increase of insulin level promotes your body cells to use glucose. After the using of glucose, blood sugar level will reduce. After the injection of insulin in diabetics, blood sugar also can reduce, which is due to increased metabolism of body cells to use glucose.

Oral hypoglycemic drugs: Currently, there are five oral hypoglycemic drugs for Type 2 Diabetes, which are sulfonylurea drugs, biguanide antidiabetic drugs, prandial glucose regulator – repaglinide, insulin sensitizers and a-glucosidase inhibitors. These medicines can help to reduce blood sugar level.

Sports: When you participate in sports, the muscle tissue uses energy produced by glycogen. Then there is a great consumption of glycogen and take glucose from blood to meet the needs of energy, resulting in reducing of blood sugar level.

Alcohol: Alcohol can reduce blood sugar level. Under normal circumstances, when blood sugar level is too low, the liver will convert stored glycogen into glucose to meet the needs of human body. Alcohol is likely to affect the convertion from liver glycogen to glucose, so blood sugar level reduces significantly.

Hope what mentioned above can help you in you daily life. If you want to know more about blood sugar level, you can email to renalhealth@hotmail.com . We will do our best to help you.
Learn More: Optional Treatments for People with Diabetes

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