
Is Type 2 Diabetes Hereditary

Diabetes is a common condition that affects millions of people in the world. Type 2 diabetes is a common type of diabetes which accounts for 95 percent diabetics. Type 2 diabetes is becoming a very common disease not only in the western world, but also in developing countries. Many times, it is seen that type 2 diabetes runs in families.

In many cases, children have more chances for developing diabetes if one of parents has diabetes. But the attack of diabetes is influenced by many factors such as environments, age, obesity, infection, lifestyle and so on. However, that is not to say the children of parents with diabetes must develop diabetes. Yet, they are at risk of developing this form of disease.

Is there a genetic risk in developing diabetes?
It is very common that children of parents with diabetes will develop diabetes during some time of their life. it is thought that diabetes run in the families.
In case of type 2 diabetes, there is no specific genetic pattern. Therefore, the chances of developing diabetes depend on the number of people in your family with the condition. Other genetic disorder will increase the risks of developing diabetes. It is estimated, children whose parents have type 2 diabetes will have 75 percent chance for developing it too.

If the mother has diabetes, 1 in 25 child will develop type 2 diabetes. If the father has type 2 diabetes, the chances of the individual developing diabetes is 1 in 17. In case either of the parent has type 2 diabetes before they turn 50, the chances of the individual developing diabetes is 1 in 17.

Apart from genes, there are other factors that can contribute to development of diabetes such as vitamin D deficiency, underlying autoimmune diseases, exposure to certain viruses etc.

If you have type 2 diabetes and want to get more information about this disease, please contact us.

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