
Chronic Renal Failure: Symptoms, Treatment

Chronic Renal Failure is a slow and progressive decline of kidney function. Different from acute renal failure, which happens quickly and suddenly, chronic renal failure happens slowly and gradually. The progression is so slow that symptoms usually don’t appear until major damage is done. Chronic Renal Failure Can Be Prevented for Sure?
Normally kidneys are responsible to:
Remove the wastes and excessive fluid from the blood
Produce hormones to control blood sugar and produce red blood cells
Keep electrolytes balanced
If you are diagnosed with chronic renal failure, meaning your kidneys are unable to function at all, you may experience the following symptoms:
The early symptoms include
Protein in the urine
Blood in the urine
Appetite loss
Nausea and vomiting especially in the morning
Weight loss without trying
Other symptoms that you may experience as the kidney function has gotten worsen, include:
Bone disease
Drowsiness and confusion
Numbness in the hands, feet
Muscle cramps
Shortness of breath
Low level of sexual interest and impotence

● Conventional treatment
In the early stage, your doctor may prescribe medicines to ease the symptoms and stop the progress of kidney disease. ACEI and ARBs are used most often to control high blood pressure which slow further kidney damage. It also works to protect your kidneys and reduce protein in the urine. Other medicines may be prescribed to treat the complications of renal failure such as anemia with iron pills, extra calcium and vitamin D, phosphate binders to prevent phosphorous levels from becoming too high.
When creatinine reaches to some level where the kidneys can not function at all, dialysis or kidney transplant is needed to replace the kidneys to work.

● Alternative treatment
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine contributes to Chinese health from the ancient times to the present. In China, besides the western medicines, traditional Chinese medicines are used to treat kidney disease. As it develops, new forms of Chinese medicines are created to help chronic renal failure patients – Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and medication bath. They are popular in patients because of its effects on restoring kidney disease, easing symptoms, and prolonging the life span.

If you are interested in what you will expect from TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDIICNES, please read Chinese Herb Remedy for End-stage Renal Disease

Learn More: Life Expectancy for Patients with Stage 5 Kidney Failure without Dialysis

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