
An Innovative Treatment of End-stage Renal Failure due to Diabetes -- Immunotherapy

Diabetes is the main cause of end-stage renal failure in the world which requires dialysis or kidney transplant as long as the creatinine reaches to some levels. If you have no chances for kidney transplant and also do not want to rely on dialysis for the rest of life, here’s an innovative treatment for end-stage renal failure due to diabetes in China – Immunotherapy.

Immunotherapy is an innovative therapy in 2012 in Kidney Disease hospital China that is created by a team of experts after years’ experiments. It targets to rebuild the immune system and improve the immunity. Normally, immune system is responsible to fight with the germs or bacteria, protecting people from disease. And 95% kidney disease results from the disorder of immune system. So, immunotherapy aims to treat disease step by step.

First, a series of tests will be ordered to provide accurate information which helps doctor better evaluate your condition. An accurate diagnosis is the basic of successful treatment.

Following the accurate diagnosis, a treatment plan is made by a team of nation’s top experts who often meet and work together to discuss the effects of treatment. Your treatment for end-stage renal failure due to diabetes will be customized to your particular needs. One or more of the following therapies may be recommended to tret the disease or help relieve symptoms.

Traditional Chinese medicine
In Kidney Disease Hospital China, traditional Chinese medicine has been used to treat kidney disease for 26 years with a new form of osmotherapy. It is popular in kidney disease patients on account of having no side effects on the body, as well as dramatic effects on restoring kidney disease.

Immune elimination
Immune elimination can remove the harmful substances from the blood, to some degree that can treat the end-stage kidney disease due to diabetes. In most cases, it saves the time for patients so that they have more chances for improvement of kidney function.

Medicated bath
It is another form of Chinese herbs, used to treat disease. It will help restore the kidneys by increasing the blood flow trough kidneys.

Each person is the focus of staff in Kidney Disease Hospital China. If you are diagnosed with end-stage renal disease due to diabetes, We are here to help you!

Learn More: Life Expectancy for Patients with Stage 5 Kidney Failure without Dialysis

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