
Top 7 Ways to Help Diabetics Avoid End-Stage Renal Failure

Diabetes kidney disease is one of diabetes complications. If untreated, it will slowly progress and eventually leads to end-stage renal failure. The following is the list of top 7 ways to help diabetics avoid end-stage renal failure.

● Proper diet plan. The diet for diabetes kidney disease patients is low salt, low protein, low cholesterol and low fat. Restrict or avoid food high in protein when porteinuria occurs. Yet, some foods with high-quality protein are allowed such as lean meat, fish and milk etc. If kidney function declines, restrict the foods high in potassium such as banana, peach, tomato, sea belt etc. People with a large amount of proteinuria, swelling and renal insufficiency, need to consult the doctor or a dietician to make a diet plan according to the individual illness condition.
● Regularly exercise. In the early stage of diabetes kidney disease, aerobic exercise is a good choice. It is better to exercise 45-60 minutes, 4-5 times one week. Avoid the intensive exercise. If protein appears in the urine, avoid exercising.
● Control blood sugar. The levels of blood sugar are closely related with diabetes kidney disease. Good control of blood sugar reduces the risk of develop diabetes kidney disease. In the early stage of diabetes kidney disease, oral hypoglycemic drugs are their first choice. If blood sugar can not be controlled with drugs and exercise, use insulin injection as soon as possible.
● Control blood pressure. Keeping blood pressure under control can stop the progress of kidney function decline. With restricting salt intake, losing weight, and giving up smoking and alcohol. The targeted goal of blood pressure is under 130/80 mmHg which can slow down the decline of kidney function.
● Avoid damaging kidneys. Diabetics have a higher risk of developing urinary tract infection which perhaps leads to kidney damage. On the other hand, avoid the kidney-toxic drugs.
● Restore the kidneys. In the early stage, diabetes kidney disease can be reversible by restoring kidney disease. Micro-Chinese Medicine is able to reverse kidney dysfunction.
The above is the 7 ways to help diabetics avoid end-stage renal failure. Hope it is useful to you. If you are diagnosed with diabetes kidney disease, LEAVE YOUR MESSAGE BLOW. It is free!

Learn More: Best Treatment for End-Stage Renal Disease from Diabetes

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