
Is FSGS Curable

"Is FSGS curable" is a hot topic among FSGS sufferers. It is not a straight answer. You may consult many physicians to get the answer.

FSGS (focal segmental glomerulosclerosis) is a disease that affects the kidney’s filtering system causing scarring and loss of large amounts of protein in the urine. It is a cause of nephrotic syndrome in children and adolescents, as well as an important cause of kidney failure in adults. It accounts for a sixth of nephrotic syndrome.

Is FSGS Curable
It is normally only diagnosed after a biopsy test of the kidney. What you see under the microscope is that the “glomeruli”, which are the tiny structures which filter the blood to make urine, are scarred.
A person suffering from FSGS may experience edema (it may cause weight gain), hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia and hypertension. In adults it may also present as kidney failure and proteinuria.

Is FSGS curable?
The out come is very variable, and you will need to ask your specialist how thins are likely to be in your case. FSGS may continue for many years, requiring only regular check-ups with blood tests. In some cases, FSGS may go away. When a person get fluid retention with ankle swelling, it is an indication of worsen kidney disease. A lot of people with FSGS may develop end-stage renal failure and receive dialysis or transplantation.

Besides the symptoms, a lot of complications draw patient’s attention. High blood pressure may develop. This damages the kidneys and puts strain on the heart and the rest of the circulation. Therefore, high blood pressure should be treated vigorously. High cholesterol level may occur, requiring diet change and sometimes lowering drugs as well.

"Is FSGS Curable?" All in all, there is not a unique answer to this question. If you are diagnosed with FSGS, we are here to help you!

Learn More: Kidney Repair Treatment for FSGS

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