
New Therapy May Help Renal Failure Avoid Kidney Transplant

Perhaps your doctor tells you kidney transplant will be required after 5 or several years later due to the fast kidney function decline. As the kidneys are unable to do their job of filtering blood and ridding the body of waste products, kidney transplant is advised in order to keep people alive. However, it is a long wait to have a donor. If you are enough lucky to be one of the kidney transplant members, you have to take high does of anti-rejection drugs in the rest of life after the successful kidney transplant. Long-term use of anti-rejection drugs might lead to increased disease due to a decreased ability to fight germ and cancer cells, causing cancer, high blood pressure, infection, diabetes, etc. Thus, do everything to avoid kidney transplant. A new therapy may help renal failure avoid kidney transplant –immunotherapy.

If you are not very familiar to immunotherapy, either you know a little about immunotherapy, no matter how, the following helps you better understand this innovative therapy for renal failure created after years’ experiments and trials.

Immunotherapy is such therapy that treats disease step by step from the diagnosis, treatment to follow up, being a whole system of treatment.
First, each patient who comes to our hospital is ordered a battery of tests. You will be surrounded by the most-advanced equipments, techniques and the highly trained experts in its use. These tests will provide the accurate information about the illness condition.

Then a team of experts meets and works together with you to evaluate your condition, according to the results of tests, illness history and others and then offers the best treatment with the fewest side effects on you.
Because 95% kidney disease is caused by the deposit of immune complex in the kidney, first we will suppress the immune system with medicines with low side effects, meaning stop the immune system destroying the kidneys, and then remove the harmful substances from the blood and kidneys with various therapies including traditional Chinese medicine, immune elimination and Immunotherapy. Finally, we will protect and rebuild the immune system, which normally fights with the germs and bacteria to keep people healthy in order to improve the self-healing.

Each patient is treated as an individual by offering a personalized service. If you are diagnosed with renal failure and want to avoid kidney transplant, we are here to help you!

Learn More: Apart from Kidney Transplant, What Treatment Can Treat Renal Failure

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