
Creatnine Is Reduced in CKD 3 Stage by Micro-Chinese Medicine

Name: Olivia

Gender: Female

Country: Canada

Gender: Female

Diagnosis: Chronic interstitial nephritis, CKD-3, anemia, high blood pressure.
Treatment: Micro-Chinese Medicine

Before the treatment: Swollen lower extremities and foamy urine are noticed after she got a common cold. Protein was found in the urine by her doctor and then she was given medicines for one month. Unfortunately, there was no any improvement. Subsequently, high blood pressures, out of breath and knee pain happen to her. She discontinued the medicines and then the high blood pressure was reduced. Two years ago she was found high creatinine levels when she was diagnosed with pulmonary phthisis and GFR was only 25%. The kidney biopsy indicated chronic interstitial nephritis. Then creatinine rose continually. On admission, it reached to 300 umol/l.

The tests on admission: Urine Volume 1200-2000ml per day, 24-h proteinuria 1.55g/24h, Protein in the urine ++, urine sugar-, WBC 7.0*109/L RBC3.66*1012/L Hb89g/L PTC225*109/L, Potassium 4.53mmol/L, total protein 65.6g/L,BUN 13.41mmol/L, creatinine 351μmol /L, left kidney 78*36*34mm, right kidney 74*38*34mm.

After the treatment: The serious swelling got remission after ten-day treatment of Micro-Chinese Medicine. She was amazing about the fast effects, saying” it is incredible”. The tests showed protein decrease in the urine. All the improvement of indicated the repairmen of kidneys. The following is a contradistinction of before and after the treatment.

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