
Diabetes: How to Protect the Liver

Diabetes is a chronic disease which can damage any organ of the body including liver. Diabetes put diabetics at high risk of developing fatty tissue within you liver. This can lead to scarring of the liver.

Diabetes can cause the liver disease in which excess fat builds up in your liver which is common in type 2 diabetes and half of those with type 1. There are some other illness condition related to diabetes such as high cholesterol, obesity, and high blood pressure also raises the risk of liver disease.

In the first years, there are no obvious symptoms. Over time, patients may begin to experience fatigue and weakness. They may lose weight. On the other hand, it also increases the risk of liver cancer and heart disease.

Strategies to protect the liver in diabetics
See a doctor to do tests for pancreas function, diabetic complications and liver function. Tests for pancreas function are good to evaluate the illness condition and make individual treatment plan. It is helpful to choose the right medicines and stop complication progressing and reduce the risk of developing diabetic complications.

Discontinue the drugs which might damage the liver and make weight lose. If blood sugar is high, take measures to control diabetes, reducing the damage of high blood sugar to other organs.

Lose weight if you need to, and try to maintain a healthy weight.
It helps avoid the death or disability caused by diabetic complications to improve the microcirculation and tissue metabolism, and treating complications.
Take measures to control high blood pressure.

Don’t drink too much alcohol
Keep your low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides – a type of blood fat – within recommended limits.

Expect liver disease, diabetes also raises the risk of kidney disease, so the patients of diabetes should prevent diabetes from End-Stage Renal Disease. And there has some information about "Best Treatment for End-Stage Renal Disease from Diabetes"

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