
The causes of renal cysts

1. Congenital dysplasia

By dysplasia can cause a variety of diseases, cystic kidney disease, the principal may make the kidneys medullary sponge, polycystic kidney disease, such as dysplasia, congenital abnormalities of genes in general, without exception, so does the genetic mutations or there is a difference.

2. Genetic Mutation (non-genetic)

For polycystic kidney disease, it is mainly through genetic parents, autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive, but some parents are neither patients with hereditary polycystic kidney disease, does not belong to congenital dysplasia of polycystic kidney mutation embryogenesis but when during embryogenesis due to various factors, so that the mutated form of the gene for polycystic kidney disease, although these cases are rare, but may occur, so some patients may not have parental genetic history polycystic.

3. Various infections

Infection can occur abnormal changes in the internal environment, resulting in changes in gene cysts favorable environmental conditions, internal factors increase the activity of the cyst, which can promote the generation of cysts grow, any infection anywhere in the body, through the blood to the kidneys thus affect the cyst, and the cyst infection, in addition to clinical symptoms intensified, but also promote further accelerate the growth rate of the cyst, and to aggravate renal dysfunction and well in turn. The most common infections were infections of the upper respiratory tract (including cold), urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal tract, skin infections, trauma, infections, etc equipment, ie if a bacterial infection or a viral infection which can have a significant impact on the cyst.

4. Toxin

The toxins in the human body, can cause a variety of cellular tissue and organ damage, which occurred in sickness, even death, and also produce mutations, congenital anomalies, as one of the main phenomena. Common toxins such as pesticides, certain chemicals, radiation, pollution etc. Interestingly, some drugs also have kidney toxicity if used incorrectly could easily lead to kidney damage, these drugs include: kanamycin, gentamicin, sulfonamides, rifampicin, indomethacin and other drugs, and strychnos etc, traditional Chinese medicine.

5. Diet

Perhaps you may not know that a poor diet can cause many diseases produced, of course, produce cystic disease, an important factor in development and change. The main ones are:

(1) Poor diet, such as hunger are undernourished, fullness is easy to hurt disorders stomach digestion, absorption and blood circulation, overeating fat sweet and salty is the heat metaplasia easy.

(2) Eating likely to cause gastrointestinal illness, severe poisoning and even life threatening filthy light.

(3) Partial addicted to diet such as eating more cold, then easily hurt yang Qi stomach, eat hot temperatures spicy will allow the accumulated heat gastrointestinal, then there is partial addicted flavors, for a long time after bodies easily hurt. effect of diet for several body is obvious. They are also directly or indirectly affect the development of the disease cystic changes. For cystic disease is clinically we emphasize the following aspects, spicy categories like chili, alcohol, snuff (including passive smoking), chocolate, coffee, fish, shrimp, crabs and other "catalytic thing" rather salty foods especially pickled foods contaminated, such as unhealthy eating, rotten, food scraps etc. Grilled Foods also should limit animal protein, high fat and fatty foods, ie above sweet and salty fat restrictions beans and soy products, especially in patients with renal insufficiency should pay more attention.

6. Relieve fatigue and imbalances

(1) excessive work force is excessive or strenuous exercise is easy to overwork a long time.

(2) Thinking too much trouble excessive psychological pressure, thinking overloaded.

(3) Living excessive sex work is unrestricted, the excessive sexual relationship. These are associated with adverse health impact of a change in direction of cystic disease. In addition, easier, carefree it is not participating in the labor market, the movement is not easy to make human blood and bad disease it causes, is "much time to sit injury QI" truth.

7. Emotional factors

Modern medical research shows: Bad mood can change the nervous and endocrine disorders of the body, thus changing the internal environment of the body through neurohormonal effects. Abnormalities in the environment in turn had an impact on the cyst. And the emotions of the poor can reduce immunity, which contributes to the invasion of bacteria and viruses, which in turn causes the cyst affected. A large number of clinical practice has shown that negative emotions can aggravate their condition, especially cystic disease, and mood recovered, not sad, not impatient, the disease often can gradually improve.

8. Pregnancy

Under normal circumstances, the impact of pregnancy on the course of polycystic kidney function mainly to see the situation, although there is currently no data confirm pregnancy during acceleration causes polycystic kidney disease, but multiple pregnancy associated with hypertension and prognosis it is often poor, and there polycystic 1/4 female new onset of hypertension in pregnancy or aggravated existing hypertension, so multiple pregnancy have a negative impact on the prognosis of women with polycystic kidney disease. Of course, here is still a normal renal function such as polycystic renal function is normal pregnancy greater risk women.

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