
Treatment for kidney dialysis patients in small size

In many countries, dialysis is a very common treatment for patients with renal insufficiency. Patients appear to have no choice but to choose dialysis or kidney transplant. Although the fact is not so. Follow us for treatment for patients with kidney dialysis small.

The kidney is consist glomerulus (a ball of capillaries) and renal tubules and the interstitial area. Indicated that some contraction portion of blood capillaries become sclerotic / fibrotic and its volume decreased. The treatments are effective through two aspects. One is to promote blood circulation in compliance with these capillaries with fresh plasma. Another aspect is to repair the kidney cells. Take safety and efficiency in mind, Chinese therapies can become your treatment options.

Chinese therapies are treated as systemic therapies. They may include therapy circle, oral Chinese herbal medicine, foot bath herbal therapy, hot packs, herbal enemas, medicated bath, acupuncture and moxibustion. With its own special features, it is expected that all these Chinese therapies to remove waste and toxins. In addition, hot compress therapy based on Chinese herbal medicine can also function as anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, extending blood vessels, relieve ischemic and anoxic condition in the kidneys, providing nutrition and damaged kidneys to promote DNA replication inherent kidney damage repair damaged cells and gradually restore kidney function.

Moreover, oral Chinese herbal medicines are used to enhance immunity, acupuncture and moxibustion can help keep the qi and nourish the blood and adjust the immune system. So this systemic therapy helps patients dialysis root and aims to make the kidneys function normally again

Since the renal function can gradually recover, it is expected that the dialysis treatment to be stopped. As the small size of the kidneys, can not become great again. But a normal life without dialysis and kidney transplant can still wait. And we have had many success stories in the clinic. Are you interested in Chinese therapies? If so and you want to choose which are your treatment options, you can leave a message below or get more information about them, and if you want to ask about other issues such as diet suggestions, you can send to kidney-support@hotmail.com

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