
Symptoms of high creatinine values

The main symptoms of increase in serum creatinine are:

1. eyelid edema usually start (start with lower limb edema in some patients are started), serious systemic spread pleural effusion and ascites yet.

2. Hypertension is one of the values of high performance creatinine

3. Frequent urination (more often), urgency (expect more urine), dysuria (painful urination, abdominal pain and urinary tract).

4. Most back pain is dull, surgical disorders can be severe cramps.

5. hematuria urine contains blood cells, or occult blood test shows positive (plus).

6. And more every day and night over 2500 ml of urine called polyuria.

7. Little or no urine less than 400 ml per day and night called oliguria, called no less than 100 ml of urine.

8. Urine foam may be an increase in the expression of proteins in urine, tests positive urine protein are reliable evidence of increased urinary protein.

The edema is one of the most common symptoms of high creatinine, adults extracellular fluids if rising water 3 kg or more, will be on the clinical symptoms of edema, edema in patients with nephritis often the first symptom, but the severity of the edema and high severity is not proportional creatinine, edema, particularly high weight is not necessarily a particularly heavy creatinine, edema, especially the light is not necessarily a special high light creatinine. So the edema is not an indicator of discharge diagnosis and prognosis creatinine.

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