
How the work of CellCept for minimal change disease (MCD)

CellCept is a type of immunosuppressive agents that are often used to treat minimal change disease (MCD), a common cause of nephrotic syndrome. Most patients can get a complete remission with the help of CellCept, while some other patients have more than one recurrence. ? How it works CellCept for minimal change disease? ?existen effective alternative therapies for the MCD?

Cell Cept for minimal change disease

It is reported that children have a high incidence of MCD than adults, and generally, the younger the patient, the better the prognosis. As for drugs, steroids are first used to refer patients MCD condition. Here, we must affirm that steroids like prednisone do have a quick and obvious effect to alleviate the condition of these patients especially when they have a strong loss of protein in the urine. However, some patients may not receive the remission only with the help of steroids, so some immunosuppressive agents such as CellCept are prescribed for these patients to help relieve your symptoms.

If CellCept may cause patients to achieve remission within the first 2 weeks, should also take small doses of this medication for another 6 weeks to prevent recurrence. However, in some cases, patients do not respond to steroids and CellCept. Additionally, CellCept is more likely to cause some side effects such as high blood pressure, blood in the urine, swelling, difficulty breathing, infections etc. These side effects also urge patients to find some other therapies.

Alternative therapies for MCD

According to clinical research, the fundamental cause of DCM is damage to the blood vessels in the kidney filters tiny, glomeruli, so the most effective treatments should be that can increase self-healing ability of these cells. as we know, kidney cells have a certain self-healing ability. For mild kidney damage, they can rely on their own ability to repair it. If improves kidney cells, these can be repaired slight damage to glomeruli successfully.

Different patients need different treatment. Tell kidney expert medical condition in detail, so that they can help make a correct treatment plan.

Above is how the work of CellCept for minimal change disease (MCD) functions,? If you are interested in our items, still pay attention to us please! We articles on various diseases of kidneys, include rudimetos, symptoms, treatment, diet and fitness has all the information? If you have any problem, you can consult our online experts, e-renal kidney-support@hotmail.com us or leave message below!

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