
Treatment for PKD with high blood pressure and low GFR

PKD is a genetic progressive renal disorder. As renal function declines, high blood pressure and low GFR will result. In this article the treatment for PKD with high blood pressure and low GFR is presented.

High blood pressure in PKD

High blood pressure is an early sign of kidney damage in PKD. It is also a significant accelerator worsening renal function. As the cysts enlarge, cause pressure against adjacent nephrons, leading to renal ischemia and anoxia. Diseased kidneys produce more renin, a hormone that can contract blood vessels. Hence, high blood pressure result. High blood pressure can cause additional stress on the small blood vessels in the kidneys, thus accelerating the decline of renal function.


GFR measures how much blood is filtered by glomeruli every minute. Glomeruli are the basic functional units of the kidneys. As enlarged cysts replace more and more nephrons, the number of healthy glomeruli drastically reduced. As a result, less blood is filtered by glomeruli. Under GFR is the result.

Treatment for PKD with high blood pressure and low GFR

Conservative treatments for PKD mainly include medications for high blood pressure, relieve pain etc. However, medication alone can not stop the enlargement of the cyst and decline of renal function.

Numerous cysts Enlarging in both kidneys are the root causes of kidney damage and symptoms of PKD, including high blood pressure and low GFR. Therefore, to control mainly PKD, patients must undergo treatment to shrink large cysts and stop small expansion.

Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy is recommended for PKD with high blood pressure and low GFR treatment. This is an externally applied therapy based on traditional Chinese medicinal herbs. Effective drugs can shrink the cysts by increasing the extraction of cyst fluid. Moreover, drugs can inactivate cells lining cells on the cysts to prevent further fluid production. What's more, the Osmotherapy can stimulate regeneration and self-repair of renal tissues and cells. When the increased number of healthy nephrons, renal function will be improved remarkably.

Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy can effectively treat PKD. Under GFR GFR will be improved and will be reduced essentially.

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