
Nephrotic syndrome Lupus Treatment

Nephrotic syndrome is a collection of symptoms and can be caused by a variety of conditions and diseases. Lupus is a possible cause of nephrotic syndrome. What is the treatment for nephrotic syndrome?

How nephrotic syndrome occurs in lupus?

Lupus is a disease of the immune system. Normally, the immune system can protect the body against harmful foreign substances. In lupus, however, the immune system attacks the tissues in different body parts. When the kidneys are affected, it will cause inflammation of the filters in the kidneys. After the filters, a large amount of proteins in urine deteriorate escaping. Heavy proteinuria may lead to nephrotic syndrome in lupus. Renal disease in people with lupus can be life threatening and can occur in up to 50% of patients with lupus.

The treatment for nephrotic syndrome in lupus

Nephrotic syndrome is a major accelerator worsening renal function. Therefore, it is important for patients with nephrotic syndrome in lupus to seek aggressive treatment as soon as possible.

First, patients should follow the prescribed medications and treatments such as blood pressure medications, diuretics, anticoagulants etc. These medications can help control the signs and symptoms or treat complications of nephrotic syndrome.

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Second, as nephrotic syndrome is the result of a kidney problem in lupus patients should receive treatment to treat kidney problems. The first step is to prevent deterioration of renal function. The suppression of the inflammatory response can prevent further kidney damage immune. If the immune dysfunction can be corrected, the immune system will attack the kidneys. Immunotherapy is given in this treatment process.

To control the nephrotic syndrome in lupus completely and fundamentally, the main goal of treatment is to restore the filters in the kidneys and restore barrier function. Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy can stimulate the self-regeneration of kidney tissue, which results in improving renal function. Thus, nephrotic syndrome in lupus is controlled completely and fundamentally.

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