
Can the high creatinine levels cause high blood pressure

Can high levels of creatinine cause high blood pressure? High creatinine levels and high blood pressure are two common symptoms of kidney disease. Not all patients can check the levels of good, and Eventually Have to go and experience treating dialysis or a kidney transplant. Follow us to learn more about high creatinine levels and high blood pressure, and hope That the following information can help you live a regular life.

Under ordinary cases, the kidneys help remove wastes and excess fluid from the body. Once the kidneys are not functioned Normally Appear high levels of creatinine and some other symptoms. Because our kidneys Have very strong compensation capability, creatinine levels will not Increase Until It acerca lost 40-50% of renal function. So the appearance of high creatinine level is enough to arouse the attention of every patient's kidney disease. High level of creatinine is just one of the symptoms of kidney disease and kidney failure Caused by.

The creatinine level has no direct relationship with blood pressure. As high creatinine level did not cause high blood pressure. Actually high blood pressure and kidney damage can Affect the other. The kidneys play a key role in Maintaining blood pressure of a person in a healthy range, and blood pressure, in turn, can Affect the health of the kidneys.

From the above information, we know That Both high creatinine level and high blood pressure are the symptoms of kidney disease and kidney failure Caused by. In general high blood pressure can be controlled Either by some western medicines. It Seems That high creatinine level is not so easy to reduce. The best way to lower high creatinine level is Causing Normally the kidneys function again for the repair of kidney damage and recovery of renal function. If you are trying everything to find the best treatment to reduce high levels of creatinine, we recommend that you 'click Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and immunotherapy.

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