
Is it safe to drink black tea for nephrotic syndrome

Once a patient with nephrotic syndrome consulted us whether it is safe to drink black tea. We must say that black tea actually has many health benefits for patients with nephrotic syndrome when taken correctly. Here we will discuss the benefits and contraindications to drink black tea for patients with nephrotic syndrome.

Promote metabolism and relieve fatigue

Black tea can activate the cardiovascular system and heart in order to promote blood circulation and metabolism. At the same time, it can also promote sweating and diuretics to help the body to download lactic acid and other waste.

Promote renal excretory capacity

Black tea can promote the excretion of wastes and toxins through the kidneys and help achieve internal balance.

Diuretic property

Drinking black tea can help increase blood flow to the kidneys, improve glomerular filtration rate, renal microvascular expand and inhibit reabsorption of fluid in the kidney tubules to help get rid of water retention and electrolyte at the same time excessive, wasteful uric acid and other substances may be discharged.

Strengthen bones

It has been found that drinking black tea for a long time has significant effects on prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

In addition, black tea also has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and detoxification properties to patients properties help fight various infections, viruses and toxins.

However, there are some things that patients with nephrotic syndrome need to know before making black tea as a home remedy long term. The black tea contains relatively high potassium and phosphorus, therefore, if your kidney functions have been impaired and kidneys can not function well to remove excess potassium and phosphorus in the blood, it is not advisable to drink too much black tea. 100g black tea contains 1934mg 390 mg phosphorus and potassium.

Also, if you are taking prescription drugs, you better not drink black tea, because it can damage the efficacy of drugs. Women's menstrual period, pregnancy or breastfeeding is best not to drink black tea.

Above is black tea for nephrotic syndrome, If you are interested in our items, still pay attention to us please! We articles on various diseases of kidneys, including causes, symptoms, treatment, diet and fitness features all information If you have any problem, you can consult our online experts, kidney-support@hotmail.com us or leave message below!

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