
To lower the creatinine level 1.9 Yourself at Home

What can you tell creatinine level of 1.9? And the way down on your own at home? Here we will not talk about low protein diet, western medicines, dialysis these common treatments for high creatinine level, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is another treatment option that we present here.

What can you tell creatinine level of 1.9?

1.9 creatinine level has exceeded the normal range of creatinine. Under normal cases, the creatinine level will not increase to about 50% of kidney function is lost. So high creatinine level is sufficient to arouse the attention of patients. Moreover, the creatinine level of 1.9 is shown in stage 3 of kidney disease condition. This step means a moderate reduction of renal function, but still can be reversed by effective treatment.

How to lower creatinine level 1.9 at home?

Despite a healthy diet, western medicines and dialysis treatment can help lower high creatinine, to some extent, they are not able to deal with the problem from the root. Actually creatinine level of 1.9 and other high creatinine levels are only symptoms of kidney damage and impaired renal function. To make the kidneys function normally again by repairing damage to the kidneys and recovery of renal function becomes the only way. Well, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a therapy of this type that can help achieve this.

After the condition is stable, foreign patients suggest taking Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy home to continue using for the next one to three months to consolidate the curative effect. Foreign patients describe Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Chinese as massage, which is due to two bags of processed drugs have been fastened to the bottom rear of the patients, and the device helps osmosis plant and equipment for drugs directly obtained through the kidneys and skin in the back channels.

So patients with high levels of creatinine simply lie down on the bed to take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, very comfortable. This treatment is based on Chinese medicinal herbs that have been used in China for thousands of years, so patients need not worry about side effects.

If you are interested in reducing their level of creatinine 1.9 yourself at home and would like to know more about Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Micro, welcome to leave a message below or send us an e-mail, our mailbox email esque definitely will reply within 48 hours.

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