
Immunotherapy for the treatment of nephrotic syndrome

The appearance of nephrotic syndrome associated with immune reactions and inflammatory reactions.

First I will explain its pathogenesis from the perspective of immunology. Due to disorder and dysfunction in the immune system, immune complexes form and circulate in the blood and deposited in the kidneys. As a result, mononuclear macrophages, neutrophils, platelets and inflammatory kidney invade means for disposal of these immune complexes.

However, at the same time fighting immune complexes, intrinsic renal tissues and cells will be damaged too. If the immune and inflammatory reactions can not be solved for a long time, cargo barrier and mechanical barrier will be damaged and will not be filtered proteins when the amount in excess of the capacity of the renal tubular skill, will proteinuria in clinical .

Effective treatments for nephrotic syndrome should achieve the following effects --- eliminate the underlying causes and factors that induce, relieving edema, proteinuria and hypertension, improved plasma albumin, reducing hyperlipidemia, protection functions kidney and relapse prevention.

To make it simple, immunotherapy is the combination of Chinese and Western therapies.

Western therapy mainly adopts cytotoxic drugs and hormones. Hormones such as glucocorticoids have functions of inhibiting inflammatory and immune reactions as well as the secretion of aldosterone and vasopressin to achieve relief of the effects of proteinuria and diuresis. Cytotoxic drugs such as cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine and tacrolimus may be applied to the following cases --- hormones have no effect, patients have become hormone-dependent conditions severe or frequent recurrent disease.

The combination of some Chinese medicines can help reduce the discomfort and side effects of hormones and cytotoxic drugs. For example, Tripterygium wilfordii is a good immunosuppressive drug and Chinese astragalus may help increase albumin synthesis in the liver etc.

While taking medications, the weather is Chinese or Western medicine, patients should be under the guidance and supervision of doctors due to inadequate intake of some drugs can poison the kidneys and some medications may react with others.

In addition to appropriate treatments, patients with nephrotic syndrome should have adequate rest and daily diet should be high quality protein (1g / kg / d) and high calorie (30-50Kcal / kg / d), low salt, low fat.

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