
Symptoms of lupus nephritis and related treatment introduced

Systemic lupus erythematosus — more commonly known as lupus — is an autoimmune disease in which your immune system produces proteins called autoantibodies that attack your own tissues and organs. Some people with lupus develop a form of kidney inflammation called lupus nephritis.

Lupus nephritis occurs when lupus autoantibodies affect the filtering structures (glomeruli) of your kidneys. This abnormal process results in kidney inflammation and may lead to blood in the urine (hematuria), protein in the urine (proteinuria), high blood pressure, impaired kidney function or even kidney failure.
Symptoms of Lupus Nephritis
Sudden and unexplained swelling, especially in the extremities (feet, ankles, legs, fingers, arms) or the eyes
Blood in the urine
Elevated blood pressure
Foamy appearance in urine
Increased urination, especially at night
Any particular form of lupus nephritis has a variety of treatments available that are effective. Moreover, the treatment for individual patients with lupus nephritis depends not only on their own particular form of kidney disease, but also on the manner in which lupus is affecting other areas of their body, their overall health, and their personal wishes. Also, medical control of conditions that could further injure the kidneys, such as elevated blood pressure and medication-induced kidney toxicity, is essential.
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