
Hypertensive nephropathy clinical and pathological features and a variety of complications

Hypertensive Nephropathy refers to the benign renal arteriosclerosis or malignant renal arteriosclerosis which is caused by primary hypertension. Hypertension makes the blood pressure high in blood vessels, which will result in the leakage of protein into urine. The protein which leaked out will lead to damage to the filtration system of kidneys in return. Then what are the symptoms of Hypertensive Nephropathy?

In the early stage, Hypertensive Nephropathy patients only have the symptoms like frequent nocturnal micturition, then protein urine, with gross hematuria in several cases but no obvious osphyalgia. The disease development is slow and some develop into renal failure. Usually, Hypertensive Nephropathy patients have mild damage of renal function. Urinary Routine Examination will show abnormality .
clinical pathologic features of Hypertensive Nephropathy
Hypertensive Nephropathy usually occurs within 5~10 years of the onset of high blood pressure. At beginning, the kidneys just have arteriolar pathological changes and then renal parenchymal damage.
1. Renal arteriolar pathological changes: In the early stage of renal damage, the kidneys just have arteriolar and microvascular pathological changes. It mainly presents arterial hyaline change and thickening of endemysium.
2. Renal parenchymal damage: With the development of renal arteriolar pathological changes, the kidneys will have glomerular and renal tubular ischemia damage, which is related to the narrowing of arterial lumen. Under microscopy, glomerulosclerosis and renal tubular atrophy can be observed.
Complications of hypertensive nephropathy hazards
Cerebrovascular accident is a serious complication in Hypertensive Nephropathy with high morbidity. It can lead to disability and even death to the patients. The morbidity of cerebrovascular accident rises with blood pressure. Therefore, the patients should take effective preventive measures to avoid the damage. If they have fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dizziness etc for no clear reasons, they should go to see a doctor immediately.
These are above all the introduction for hypertensive nephropathy, if you also want something in this area to understand or have any further doubts you want further advice, you can click the following article customer service box, or go to our website for consultation , or if you want to learn to sort out the things sent to kidney-support@hotmail.com this unity inside the mailbox, we will within 24 hours to give you an accurate answer.

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