
Common complication in patients with diabetic nephropathy and dietary care

Diabetes, as a chronic endocrine disease, if the blood sugar cannot be controlled well, patients' illness condition will be even worse, and they will have a lot of complications. Diabetic Nephropathy is only one the complications. Experts on Diabetes said that, Diabetic Nephropathy, is one of the most important complications, if the aggravation of the disease cannot be controlled well, patients will have Renal Failure or even Uremia. At that time, patients' lives will be in danger, thus leading to disability or death among patients with Diabetic Nephropathy.

Common complication in patients with diabetic nephropathy
Patients with Diabetes often have a long medical history, and they are easily to develop other complications as the progress of Diabetes. Diabetic Nephropathy is one of serious complications of Diabetes, active and effective treatment and prevention could keep Diabetes far from serious kidney damage and renal failure. So that is the point for Diabetes patients and Diabetic Nephropathy patients to get rid of renal failure?

I Strictly control blood sugar: no matter diabetes patients or patients with Diabetic Nephropathy, they all need to control their blood sugar strictly, that is because the levels of blood sugar, duration and severity have closed relationship with progress of disease. If patients could control their blood sugar in the normal range in a long time, the possibility of developing Diabetic Nephropathy will be low. For the patient in early stage of Diabetic Nephropathy, gliquidone is the optimal choice of oral Glucose-lowering drugs. If the drugs and diets are unavailable to control the blood sugar or the decrease of renal function is out of control, patients should inject insulin by that time.
Diet for patients with Diabetic Nephropathy
Patients ought to control the intake of salt and oil, having 20-30 ml vegetable oils per day to replenish folacin, mineral matter and vitamin. They also should restrict the intake of Phosphate less than 800 mg pre day.
Protein is not restricted at the early stage of Diabetic Nephropathy. However, patients should restrict the intake of protein once turning into the renal failure. The amount of protein intake is lower than 0.8g/kg per day and high-quality protein is a better choice for patients like meat, egg, and fish.
These are just above the basic symptoms of diabetes in patients with a brief description, if you are not just limited to articles of these things, you want to consult experts in something more, you can send what you want advice or want to know what to kidney-support@hotmail.com this email, we will within 24 hours to give you a professional answer.

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