
Lupus nephritis and related health effects of the diagnosis and treatment

Lupus nephritis affects approximately 3 out of every 10,000 people. In children with SLE, about half will have some form or degree of kidney involvement.

More than half of patients have not had other symptoms of SLE when they are diagnosed with lupus nephritis.
SLE is most common in women ages 20 - 40. For more information, see: systemic lupus erythematosus.
Lupus nephritis Symptoms
Symptoms of lupus nephritis include:
Blood in the urine
Foamy appearance to urine
High blood pressure
Swelling of any area of the body
What is lupus nephritis?
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, lupus nephritis is a complication of the more commonly known systemic lupus erythematosus. Systemic lupus erythematosus is what most people call lupus.
Lupus is an autoimmune disorder. Such disorders are characterized by the inability of the body's natural defenses to differentiate between what is harmful to the body and what is not.
Lupus is most common among women ages 20 to 40, making Cannon's case rather rare. Lupus presents in approximately 3 of 10,000 people. Of those, approximately one-third will develop nephritis. Men who develop lupus tend to develop a more serious form of the disorder that is more difficult to treat.
Urinalysis will show blood, protein or both
Blood tests will show if the kidneys' filtering capacity has decreased
Blood tests can also show certain types of antibodies that are elevated in people with autoimmune diseases, but some people with lupus may have normal antibody results
A kidney biopsy is the most definitive way to diagnose the nature and extent of the kidney damage caused by lupus.
Depending on the test results and biopsy findings, doctors may prescribe immuno-suppressive drugs that control the over-active immune system. Corticosteroids may be prescribed.
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