
Diabetes to renal failure five development process

Diabetic Nephropathy is the most serious complication of Diabetes and it mainly occurs among people with more than 10 years’ disease history. In its early stage, the patients have high chance of reversing the disease and avoid developing Renal Failure. However, when it develops stage 3, is it possible to reverse it?

At first, let's analyze the procedures of Diabetic Nephropathy developing into Renal Failure or even Uremia:
There are five periods that Diabetic Nephropathy developing into Renal Failure. Here, let's analyze the characters of these five periods in the following content:
Period 1: This period is characterized by increasing GFR(Glomerular Filtration Rate) and enlarged kidneys. This lesions is coincident with the high level of blood glucose. But in this period, the disease can be reversed. Patients can recover after the treatment with insulin, but it is not sure that patients will recover completely.
Phase 2: In the meantime, proteinuria excretion rate is normal, but the glomerular structures have changed. Doning excretion increases after exercise, glomerular structure has been destroyed.
Period 3: continuous increasing volume of proteinuria is the early indicator of diagnosing Diabetic Nephropathy. The above three periods is the early stage of Renal Failure caused by Diabetes. If the disease can be treated effectively in this period, the disease is likely to be reversed.
Period 4: clinical Diabetic Nephropathy and dominant Diabetic Nephropathy. In this period, it is characterized by large quantity of proteinuria(more than 3.5 g per day), edema, and high blood pressure. Edema caused by Diabetic Nephropathy is very serious, and diuretic has poor effect on it. In this period, the development of patients' illness can not be delayed, but cannot be stopped.
Section 5: This is stage renal failure. Proteinuria and renal failure developed as the final step, the glomerular membrane thickening, glomerular capillary lumen, a growing number of glomeruli abandoned continuous narrow, and gradually increased renal function, leading to kidney failure. Patients may have anemia, electrolyte imbalance, acid-base balance, even though they will have uremia caused by brain dysfunction.
These are just above the basic symptoms of diabetes in patients with a brief description, if you are not just limited to articles of these things, you want to consult experts in something more, you can send what you want advice or want to know what to kidney-support@hotmail.com this email, we will within 24 hours to give you a professional answer.

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