
What should CKD 4 Patients do

Question: I am in the stage of CKD 4, my primary disease is Polycystic Kidney Disease( PKD). What should I do? I am afraid this disease is because I don't know how the disease development and the precautionary measure. I have more urine at night, swelling in foot, face, eyelid.

Answer: 1. Normally, PKD patients will present the symptoms like foam in urine, occult blood, backpain, high blood pressure etc, and the reason why you have more urine at night, swelling in eyelid,face,foot is because your kidney get damaged, especially for the renal tubules get damaged. Every kidney has more than 1 million renal tubules, and the main function of renal tubules is to re-absorption the useful substance and produces the urine. Now your renal tubules get damaged, so some useful substance can't be absorption into human body, and some water/liquid can't discharge with urine, so they go into human body. Some water/liquid go into chest,face,heart,foot,leg. This is the reason why you have swelling in foot, face,eyelid. At the same time, you have mild backpain, this is because your renal cysts become more and more big, the renal cyst begin to press the kidney tissues, even damage the kidney function. The renal cysts are like balloons, kidney like the room, if the balloons become more and bigger, even take more space in the room, and what will happen in the kidney?

2. 1)PKD is a hereditary disease, patients with this disease when they were born. Normally, it is not easy for people to test the PKD before 20 years old, and Western doctor suggest patients have the regular body check, and observe the growth condition of renal cysts.

2) When PKD patients at the age of 30-40, the renal cysts begin to grow quickly. Western doctor suggest no treatment for this period, just observe the growth of renal cysts. If some patients present high blood pressure, they just need to treat the high blood pressure.

3) After the age of 40, patients go into a period which is called 'enlargement period'. The renal cysts become more and more big, and the size of the biggest renal cyst is over than 4 cm, the renal cyst have the chance to burst. Patients begin to present some symptoms like backpain,hematuresis,proteinuria,high blood pressure etc.

Normally, Western medicine will follow these steps to treat polycystic kidney:1) wait the cysts become enough big. 2.) 95%anhydrous alcohol is inputed into renal cysts for solidifying capillary, then liquid can't go into renal cysts.3) abstract the cystic liquid from renal cyst-----this operation may be called puncture. Please notice that these measures will damage the kidney, especially for the nephron which is the basic part of kidney. At present, all Western Medicine just treat the symptoms of kidney, they can't treat the disease from the root.

This period is the most important for PKD period, if they can get the proper treatment as soon as possible, the growth speed of renal cysts can be delayed, the remaining kidney function can be protected, and the renal cysts can become more and more small by self-reabsorption.

4) Renal cysts will bust under effection of some external factors, if the renal cysts are big enough. It is very easy to get infection in this period, patients should prevent the occurrence of Ichorrhemia and Renal Failure.

5)Uremia Period. This is the end stage of kidney disease.

3. Now you are in the period of three, according to your illness condition, I suggest you receive Micro-Chinese Medicine + Immunotherapy.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has the curative effect for kidney disease, which can treat the kidney disease from root. (1)Chinese Medicine is abstracted from Chinese herbs, without any side-effect. (2) With the help of penetrant and osmosis devices, effective Chinese Medicine are penetrated into renal lesion by external application. (As you know, any oral taking medicines will affect kidney more or less). (3) The therapeutic mechanism of this therapy is to block the process of renal fibrosis, dilate blood vessels, promote the micro-blood circulation, repair the damaged renal intrinsic cells, and remove the stasis in channels. At the same time, Chinese Medicine has the effect like anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, preventing blood viscosity and degrading extracellular matrixes. The main functions of Chinese Medicine are: block+ repair.

The main function of Micro-Chinese Medicine is to improve the blood flow of capillary, expend the blood vessels, increase the re-absorption function of capillary, thus the renal cysts will shrink naturally.

Immunotherapy as a brand new method in our hospital. Immunotherapys have the ability of self-renewal and multi-replication, they can differentiate into various kinds of renal cells which the kidney need, and then the new born cells can replace the necrotic cells, thus achieving the purpose of rebuilding the renal structure. Immunotherapy as an advanced treatment in medicine, which have the greatly improved the treatment effect of kidney disease. Chinese experts have accumulated a lot of experiences in this field because of enough sources.

The main function of Immunotherapy is to generate new cells to replace the dead/necrotic cells, thus rebuilding the normal structure of kidney.

Therefore, please send me your recent physical examination report, like blood test, urine test, renal function test report for better analysing, and then I can give you proper suggestion. The most important thing is to build up the confidence to fight with disease.

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