
What Is the Treatment of Renal Cortical Cyst?

Renal cortex is the part where is gathered with glomerulus. If cyst grows in renal cortex it is Renal Cortical Cyst. When Renal Cortical Cyst is small, people can live with it without any discomfort. However, when Renal Cortical Cyst grows larger it can press surrounding renal tissues and lead to the condition of renal ischemia and anoxia. If this condition lasts for a long term, it injures renal intrinsic cell or even ruins renal intrinsic cell. As a result, renal function is greatly declined representing proteinuria or blood urine. Then, how to treat Renal Cortical Cyst?

The common treatment of Renal Cortical Cyst are Aspiration and Sclerotherapy, Laparoscopic Cyst Decortication. It can shrink renal cyst, relieve the symptoms of pain, hypertension and reduce the risk of fracture. However, the shrinked cyst provides the space for smaller renal cyst and makes them rapidly grow larger. Besides, it also injures kidney. Although epithelial cell of renal cyst is solidified, it still has function of secretion. The growing renal cyst presses surrounding tissues and causes the condition of renal ischemia and anoxia. Then, is there any better treatment of Renal Cortical Cyst?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is another choice for Renal Cortical Cyst patients. Micro-Chinese Medicine is a kind of herb medicine, which is super finely shattered to make the active ingredients more easily to permeate. The theory of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on "external treatment of internal disease". When active ingredients directly permeate into kidney by the external application of osmosis devices, it can change the condition of cyst wall by dilating blood vesses, promoting the blood circulation, incresing cyst wall's permeability, declining intravascular pressure of cyst wall. Consequently, it promotes the water's reabsorption of sac liquid by declining intravascular pressure of cyst wall. Besides, active ingredients can also inhibit the secretion of epithelial cell and block up the growth of renal cyst. As a result, renal cortical cyst shrinks gradually and the smaller ones are effectively inhibited from growing larger.

Attentions, for Renal Cortical Cyst patients, when renal cortical cyst is small and there are no symptoms or discomforts, patients can live with it without treatment, but they should check up it 2 times a year. However, if the renal cortical cyst is more than 4cm or there are obvious symptoms or discomforts, patients should treat it timely to protect the kidney from further damage.

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